Why study Chemistry? This is a common question among teenagers who find the subject complicated and difficult to understand.
Let's start with the definition: Chemistry is the science that studies the structure of substances, the composition and properties of different materials, their transformations and energy variations.
To get an idea of the vast use of Chemistry, just pay attention to the fact that it is present in numerous activities, such as:
Agriculture: Farmers use chemical knowledge to improve soil acidity and fertility.
Medicine: pharmacists need chemical knowledge to recognize the composition of substances used as medicine and also for cancer treatments (chemotherapy).
In your home: chemical compounds present in toothpaste (fluoride, abrasives) allow a smile protected from cavities. The chemistry present in cleaning materials leaves the environment with that clean smell.
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Since Chemistry is so useful in our daily lives, why not leave laziness aside and spend a few more minutes to delve into this content? The best news is that this discipline, once taken seriously, becomes passionate and you won't want to stray from the dreaded Chemistry book any longer.
And it's no use wanting to study other subjects and abandon Chemistry, know that this Science relates to other disciplines such as Biology, Environmental Science, Physics, Medicine and Science of health.
By Líria Alves
Graduated in Chemistry
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SOUZA, Líria Alves de. "Why study Chemistry?"; Brazil School. Available in: https://brasilescola.uol.com.br/quimica/por-que-estudar-quimica.htm. Accessed on June 28, 2021.