New Periodic Table Elements

The year 2016 started with excellent news for the world of Chemistry, as the Periodic Table proposed by Henry Moseley had the addition of four chemical elements that were missing in the seventh period.

Ohe new elements of the Periodic Table are the Ununtrio (symbol Uut), Ununpentio (acronym (Uup), Ununséptio (Uus) and the Ununóctio (Uuo), all with atoms that have seven levels of energy.

According to the studies, the four new elements are the ones with the highest atomic weight among all 118 known. For this reason, they are called super heavy elements. Specifically, the atomic mass of each of them is:

  • Ununtrium-286 (289Uut)

  • Ununpentio-289 (289wow)

  • Ununsepto-294 (294Uus)

  • Ununoctio-294 (294wow)

Many may think that these four elements have just been discovered, but this is not true. It was only this year that IUPAC recognized the way to synthesize these new elements, but each of them had already been discovered some time ago:

  • Ununtrium - Discovered in 2003 by Russians (from the Dubna lab) and Americans from the Livermore lab working together. Confirmation of the discovery took place by Japanese scientists in 2012.

  • Ununpentio - Discovered in 2004 by a joint work of Russians (from the Dubna lab) and Americans from the Livermore lab. Confirmation of the discovery took place by Swedish scientists in 2013.

  • Ununsepto - Discovered in 2010 by a team of Russian and American scientists at the Flerov laboratory in Russia.

  • Ununoctio - Initially discovered in 1999, but confirmation only occurred in 2006 through the joint work of the Laboratory Lawrence Livermore National Institute, in the United States, and the Dubna Joint Nuclear Research Institute, in Russia.

like everyone the new elements of the Periodic Table have an atomic number greater than 84 (113, 115, 117 and 118, respectively), they are radioactive and transuranic, that is, they are only produced in the laboratory and therefore cannot be found in nature (every element with an atomic number greater than 92 is artificial). Simply put, the properties of the new elements are:

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a) Ununtrio

  • Element that belongs to the IIIA family (boron family);

  • Physical state: solid;

  • It has properties of a metal;

  • It has low reactivity;

  • It is a radioactive element, as it has high instability;

  • It has 113 protons inside its nucleus and 113 electrons in its atomic orbitals;

  • Its electronic distribution:

Ununtrio's fundamental electronic distribution
Ununtrio's fundamental electronic distribution

  • Its most energetic sublevel is 7p1.

b) Ununpent

  • Element belonging to the VA family (nitrogen family);

  • Physical state: solid;

  • It has properties of a metal;

  • It is a radioactive element, as it presents high instability;

  • It has 115 protons inside its nucleus and 115 electrons in its atomic orbitals;

  • Its electronic distribution:

Ununpêntio's fundamental electronic distribution
Ununpêntio's fundamental electronic distribution

  • Its most energetic sublevel is 7p3.

c) Ununsepto

  • Element belonging to the VIIA family (family of halogens);

  • Physical state: solid;

  • Properties of a non-metal;

  • It is a radioactive element, as it presents high instability;

  • It has 117 protons inside its nucleus and 117 electrons in its atomic orbitals;

  • Its electronic distribution:

Ununsepto's fundamental electronic distribution
Ununsepto's fundamental electronic distribution

  • Its most energetic sublevel is 7p5.

d) Ununoctio

  • Element belonging to the VIIIA family (family of noble gases);

  • Physical state: gaseous;

  • It has low reactivity;

  • It is a radioactive element;

  • It has 118 protons inside its nucleus and 118 electrons in its atomic orbitals

  • Its electronic distribution:

Ununoctio's fundamental electronic distribution
Ununoctio's fundamental electronic distribution

  • Its most energetic sublevel is 7p6.

By Me. Diogo Lopes Dias

Would you like to reference this text in a school or academic work? Look:

DAYS, Diogo Lopes. "New elements of the Periodic Table"; Brazil School. Available in: Accessed on July 27, 2021.

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