Tips to save water

Nowadays it is common to hear that some Brazilian regions are suffering from the lack of water, however, we do not understand how our attitudes are directly related to this sad situation. The inappropriate use, pollution and contamination of this important natural resource could soon cause serious supply problems.

Often the problem of waste of Water it starts in the companies responsible for the supply. The lack of maintenance in the distribution network makes leaks take a long time to be noticed, triggering a great loss of drinking water. However, the biggest problem starts when water enters our homes. The population's lack of awareness about the importance of saving water means that inappropriate habits are maintained at all times.

Here are some important tips for you to start saving water today:

→ A first tip and one of the most important: take quick showers. Some authors claim that if you soap yourself with the shower turned off, you can save about 130 liters of water. In addition to saving water, it also saves electricity;

→ Always remember to close the tap while brushing your teeth or shaving;

Do not clean the sidewalk with water. If necessary, use buckets and choose water that has already been used, such as water from the washing machine;

→ Beware of the dripping taps. Studies indicate that a small drip-drip causes the loss of about 16 thousand liters of water per year;

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Watch out for leaks! This attitude, in addition to saving water, prevents damage to the property;

Pay attention to the download and if it is not deregulated. It is also important to avoid pressing the button for a long period of time;

→ By fill the water tank, be careful that it does not overflow;

→ If you have pool at home, always remember to keep a cover over her to prevent water loss by evaporation;

→ By to do the dishes, first try to remove excess dirt and only then turn on the faucet. While soaping the dishes, avoid keeping the tap on;

Avoid washing one item of clothing at a time. The ideal is to join several pieces so that the machine can be used without waste;

→ Use rainwater to water plants and always choose the morning or night time, because at these times the water does not evaporate quickly;

Wash your car only once a month and always use a bucket of water. The use of hoses can result in a waste of more than 500 liters of water every half hour.

Remember that despite the dry days and the lack of rain, you also influence the availability of water. Conscious attitudes are essential to ensure that quality water remains available!

Do not waste!
By Ma. Vanessa dos Santos

Would you like to reference this text in a school or academic work? Look:

SANTOS, Vanessa Sardinha dos. "Water Saving Tips"; Brazil School. Available in: Accessed on June 27, 2021.


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