Meaning of Agriculture (What it is, Concept and Definition)

Agriculture is the study, theory and practice of agriculture and livestock, in a reciprocal relationship. It is one of the areas of the primary sector responsible for the production of consumer goods.

Agriculture is an activity carried out mainly by small producers, who combine the techniques of agriculture - growing plants and vegetables - with livestock, which is animal husbandry (cattle, swine, poultry, horses and etc).

It is through farming that some of the essential products for everyday life in society are obtained, such as meat, vegetables and other substances of animal and vegetable origin. Example: eggs, milk, butter, cereals, grains (rice and beans, for example), among others.

In addition to consumer goods for human beings, agriculture is also responsible for the production of raw materials used in the manufacture of cosmetics, medicines, fuels and other products of great importance to life Modern.

O Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of a country is composed, among other elements, by the values ​​obtained in agricultural production.

You farmers (producers who practice agriculture) use traditional means to manage their work, with cultivation and breeding techniques that are passed down through the generations.

However, currently, new technologies are beginning to make their presence felt in rural spaces. In agriculture, for example, the use of machines and vehicles that help and speed up the process of planting, harvesting or managing agriculture and livestock are increasingly common.

To classify the agricultural systems that still use traditional production techniques and those that integrate technologies for labor management, the following subdivisions emerged: extensive, labor intensive and intensive.

  • Extensive farming: absence of technology, low productivity and totally familiar labor.
  • Intensive agriculture with labor: lack of technology, low productivity, but with many workers. It is a practice in underdeveloped areas.
  • Intensive farming: a lot of technology and little labor, in addition to having very high productivity rates. It is a practice in developed areas.

Agriculture in Brazil

Brazilian agriculture is one of the main engines for the national GDP, representing around 8% of the The country's Gross Domestic Product, in addition to being considered the first economic activity developed in the Brazil.

Agriculture in Brazil produces employment for approximately 10% of the population, according to the Census of Agriculture. The same statistic shows that the majority of farmers in the country use family labor. In total, Brazil has 330 million hectares destined for agriculture, and a large part is shared between small and medium producers.

Agriculture and Livestock

Agriculture is a set formed between the practices of agriculture (plant cultivation) and the livestock (animal breeding). The work carried out in harmony and reciprocity between these two branches of rural activity forms agriculture.

In turn, the livestock, as said, is intended only for handling and raising animals (cattle, poultry, swine, horses, etc.).

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