Meaning of Busy (What it is, Concept and Definition)

Busy is an adjective referring to the condition of something being appropriated by someone or filling a space by something.

When it is said that a certain individual is busy, it means that he is totally busy, with no free time to perform other activities than those previously scheduled.

Commonly, the term “busy” is used to refer to the situation in which there is no connection between two people by telephone, as one of them is talking to another individual through this device.

In addition, the adjective "busy" can still be used in several different contexts, such as: being dedicated to a task, filling a space, with a lot of work to do, a place that is inhabited and etc.

Some people confuse the correct spelling of this word. The only acceptable way to write this term is “busy”, not “occupied”.

There are different translations of the word “busy” into the English language, according to the meaning given to the term, for example: busy (mostly used in the sense of being busy) and occupied (in the sense of something or something being occupied).

Synonyms of busy

There are several different synonyms for this term, which should be used according to different contexts, the most common being:

  • busy
  • overwhelmed
  • bustling
  • overloaded
  • Active
  • entertained
  • Involved
  • Distracted
  • Dedicated
  • Applied
  • Absorbed
  • Filled
  • Full
  • Crowded
  • Taken
  • dominated
  • Possessed.

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