Meaning of Traverse (What it is, Concept and Definition)

Travessa is a feminine noun that can have different meanings, and it is more often used to refer to to a narrow street, secondary and transversal to two other main ones.

Usually, lanes are smaller than streets and avenues, with an average width that varies between 3.5 meters and 8 meters.

The term "dish" also refers to the type of utensil used to serve some types of meals and delicacies, usually characterized by having the shape of a flat and elongated plate.

These platters can be made from a wide range of materials. porcelain dishes, the most common ceramics and glass.

Traverse can still be a type of short, narrow comb that some people use to hold their long hair, especially girls and women.

In the context of civil construction, a crossbeam is considered synonymous with a “beam” or “beams”, pieces made of wood and arranged transversally on boards.

A crossbar can also be the name given to the treacherous movement that an individual makes on the other to knock him down, also known as a “sleep”.

See also: the meaning of public place and know what is a place in registrations.

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