What time is it? How long is it?

When you do this domande si vuol sapere sul tempo, sulla meteo, ossia, si c’è sole, si il cielo is serene ecc. Ci sono molte parole che ti puoi aiutare to parlare sul tempo Vedi alcune. / When you ask these questions, you want to know about the weather, meteorology, that is, if there is sun, if the sky is clear, etc. There are many words that can help you talk about the weather. See some.

bello, Bel = beautiful, good Serene = no clouds Gross = ugly
cloudy = cloudy Freddo = cold Broth = heat
Wind = wind nebbia = fog, fog, fog

Vedi delle frasi / See some sentences:

1) Oggi fa bel time! 4) C’è la nebbia.
2) Fa Freddo! 5) Ieri il cielo was cloudy.
3) Il cielo is serene. 6) C’è wind and fa freddo.

When si parla del tempo si puo’ anche parlare sulle stagioni dell’anno. All'emisfero Nord del pianeta, le stagioni dell'anno occorrono all'inverso dell'emisferto Sud./ When talking about time, one can also talk about the seasons of the year. In the northern hemisphere of the planet, the seasons of the year occur unlike the southern hemisphere.

Vedi l’immagine e durata di ogni stagione all’emisfero Nord./ See the image and duration of each season of the year in the Northern hemisphere.

From dicembre to gennaio = Winter / From December to January = Winter

From March to Maggio = Spring / From March to May = Spring

From giugno to august = estate / From June to August = Summer

From settembre to novembre = Autonomous / From September to November = Autumn

Vedi l’immagine: / See the image:

Questi sono i simboli più usati per parlare sulla meteo, in ordine: nuvolosolo, serene, variabilie, pioggia, temporale, snow. / These are the symbols most used to talk about meteorology, in order: cloudy, cloudless, overcast, rain, storm, snow.



See an excerpt about the weather forecast in Italy: / See an excerpt about the weather forecast in Italy:

“* Prevalenza di sole the part qualche leggero disturbo instabile, freddo noturno. Graduale peggioramento on the week-end, arrivano le piogge

PROSSIMI GIORNI. South end of the settimana if you open a temperature ripple, for the introduction of the mass of the mass of a po' più humid and temperate. Question of change of circolazione preannouncer a peggioramento che da domenica will make you feel effetti al Nord, per poi propagarsi ad inizio settimana south rest of Italy with a new follower of fredda aria from Nord Europe.” / Prevalence of the sun with unstable moments, cold at night. Gradual worsens over the weekend, arrival of rains.

NEXT DAYS: With the end of the week there will be a recovery in temperatures, due to the arrival of air masses a little more humid and tempered. This change in circulation will pre-announce a worsening that from Sunday will make its effects felt in the North, to then spread, at the beginning of the week, to the rest of Italy, followed by cold air from the north of the Europe.

*Excerpt from the website: http://www.tempoitalia.it/

Isabela Reis de Paula
Brazil School Collaborator
Graduated in Languages ​​with Qualification in Portuguese and Italian
By the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro - UFRJ

Italian - Brazil School

Source: Brazil School - https://brasilescola.uol.com.br/italiano/che-tempo-fa-come-il-tempo.htm

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