The role of the father

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The fact that children, from an early age, prefer their mother's help when they wake up at night, at the time of the meal and bath is related to a cultural aspect and not rejection of parents by the small.
This stronger bond with the mother is not biological in nature but a cultural, historical and social result. The explanation for this is that men are perceived as incapable of caring for children in our society. Even in the face of a position on the part of the man to take care of the child; family, school, work and institutions sometimes do not allow this possibility.
A woman is required to perform so well, similar to the maternal instinct, as if it were a characteristic innate and of man still prevails the demand that assuming paternity means the supply financial.
In fact, what happens is that this culture is reinforced, an example of this is the stimulus presented to the girls for doll games, while boys are censored if they participate in this Just kidding.

By Patricia Lopes
Brazil School Team

psychology - Brazil School

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Source: Brazil School -

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