Meaning of Grace (What it is, Concept and Definition)

Grace is a feminine noun from the Latin term graciousness and means benevolence, mercy, esteem or one favor that one dispenses or receives. It can also correspond to a person's pleasing characteristics. Someone who is funny, pleases and attracts others through your words and attitudes.

Grace can also be related to a person's elegance and gracefulness.

In the past, grace corresponded to a person's baptismal name, and it was common to ask "What is your grace" instead of asking "What is your name?"

The expressions "state of grace" and "indulging in grace" refer to someone who has won the sympathy and favor of another person or group. There is a saying: "Better to be funny than to be funny".

Giving thanks means giving thanks for something.

God's grace

In the field of theology, grace consists of the supernatural gift, given by God as a means of salvation.

In Christianity, grace is God's free gift to man in a transforming encounter in which the human creature is restored. Through grace, God grants man a share in the divine life, making him His adopted son. When God's friendship is lost through sin, his recovery is made either through genuine repentance of sins and acceptance of Jesus' sacrifice. No one is saved without receiving God's grace. Salvation is by grace, which means it is free, and it is something we cannot achieve by our own efforts.

The difficult problem of reconciling God's action and man's freedom gave rise to the famous dispute over grace and free will that arose between Thomists and Molinists.

grace and pardon

Grace and pardon are mechanisms of mercy that extinguish the punishment related to a common crime. In this way, someone who receives grace or pardon sees the penalty he is serving erased. This act is granted by the President of the Republic, unless he delegates this power to another member who can assume this responsibility. Grace and pardon can be full or partial, depending on whether the punishment is completely extinguished or whether the penalty is lessened or commuted.

Actions such as torture, illicit trafficking in narcotics and related drugs, terrorism and crimes considered heinous are not free. The difference between grace and pardon is that grace is usually individual and required, while pardon is collective and spontaneous.

See the meaning of Pardon.

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