Definition of Aerobics (What it is, Concept and Definition)

aerobics or aerobic gymnastics, it's all kind of physical activity that through fast and rhythmic movements provokes the oxygenation muscle cells and high caloric expenditure.

Aerobics falls into the category of aerobic exercise as opposed to anaerobic exercise.

The term "aerobic" means "with oxygen" and is related to the use of oxygen from the air in muscle energy production. A lot of muscle groups are worked with aerobics.

Aerobic exercises are considered: walking, running, rowing, swimming, cycling, skating, dancing. In the gyms there are some adaptations of dance styles such as cardiofunk, aeroaxé, aerolambada etc.

Aerobic exercises are characterized by long duration and constant intensity. Regular practice provides several health benefits, such as: improves cardiovascular performance and blood circulation, strengthens muscles, burns fat, in addition to shaping the body and improving the quality of life.

On the other hand, anaerobic exercises are related to the ability to produce energy. These are high-intensity and shorter duration exercises, whose objective is to develop flexibility, strength and increase in muscle mass. Fits in this category of exercises: weight training, Pilates, yoga, weight lifting etc.

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