Meaning of Generation Y (What it is, Concept and Definition)

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Generation Y, also known as Millennials, it's the generation of people who were born between the 80s and early 90s. They are still called millennium generation or internet generation, due to the fact that they are the first to be born in a totally globalized world.

Generation Y is characterized by having experienced many technological advances, the growth of several countries, which ended up becoming world powers.

Generation Y kids grew up with what many of their parents didn't, like cable TV, video games, computers, various types of games, and more. For having this contact with technology, they ended up becoming known for being lazy, distracted, insubordinate and superficial people, for the most part.

Millennials are also known for having great ambition, and it's normal to find young people from this generation who switch between job often, because in the previous job they were not challenged and had no opportunity to grow professionally.

Companies, always interested in the type of public they want to reach, carry out several market researches to find out which product Generation Y is in interested, how they want to be served, what they are looking for, as it is a generally very demanding audience, always aware of new technologies and new products.

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Generation Y is an audience eager for innovations, they always want to have the most modern television, the smartphone of the moment, all the most technological products possible.

On the other hand, generation Y was also known for being the generation more concerned about the environment, since their parents didn't worry so much, they are very interested in leaving a good place for their children to live.

Generation Y Characteristics (Millennials)

  • They are constantly connected to the internet;
  • They look for immediate and easy information;
  • They are always looking for better professional opportunities, so they exchange more jobs;
  • They value professional growth and seek new challenges;
  • They do what they like (work what they like);
  • Always looking for new technologies;
  • Concern for the environment;
  • Ambitious;
  • Globalized generation;
  • Accustomed to multitasking (doing many things at the same time);
  • More autonomous and individualistic from a professional point of view.

Generation X, Y and Z

Generation X, Y and Z are sociological concepts that characterize people who were born at different times.

Generation X consists of individuals who were born in the late 60s to early 80s; Generation Y is made up of people who were born between the late 70s and early 90s; Generation Z is represented by people born between the mid 90's and 2010.

Each generation is influenced by several factors that influence the culture of its time (such as the technology, current economic development of the country in question, etc) and therefore they have different forms of live and think.

Generation Y and Generation Z people have many similar characteristics, such as greater feeling of anxiety, desire for immediacy and naturalness amidst new technologies, for example, causing some individuals to be able to identify with both generations.

Learn more about Generation Z.

Generation Y in the labor market

In the labor market and in the business context, there are often conflicts between elements that are from different generations, because they have very different ways of acting and thinking.

For example, if a generation X worker is hierarchically inferior to a generation Y worker, some problems may occur. While a Generation Y individual seeks to innovate, a Generation X individual prefers to maintain the existing balance and stability.

know more about globalization.

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