Meaning of Complete (What it is, Concept and Definition)

complete is a feminine adjective that classifies a complete thing, entire, which presents itself in your totality.

The word whole comes from the Latin integrate is related to the noun integrity and the adjective integral.

Furthermore, the whole word can also characterize a character trait of a person. In this case, a upright person is a person who is pure, honest, impartial, who acts correctly, honors his commitments and who has moral integrity. She speaks the truth, doesn't pass other people off.

THE integrity it is very important in the professional sphere, because an upstanding worker behaves in accordance with the rules of ethics and morals and is a added value for the company.

The expression "in full" means something complete that is revealed in its entirety. Ex: You can watch the entire report on Jornal da Noite. / The regulations must be read in full before starting the contest.

In the university context, a full scholarship means that the student will have all expenses covered, they will not have to pay anything for their studies. Also in the case of university education, a

full course is one that has a full workload, that is, with classes during the morning and afternoon.

In the scope of work, the full time is applied to a person who works full-time, ie at least 8 hours (schedule may vary according to different jobs).

Some synonyms for wholeness are wholeness, completeness, or trustworthy, honest, decent, if referring to a person's character.

Integral and integral are different words, since integral is a noun or adjective and integral is the conjugation of the verb to integrate, in the 3rd person of the present tense. To integrate means to incorporate or be part of some group or ensemble.

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