Meaning of Mind (What it is, Concept and Definition)

The mind can be characterized as a complex state, dimension or phenomenon of human nature that we associate with the act of thinking.

It is related to the concept of describing the functions of the human brain with regard to human intellectual power, cognitive and behavioral functions.

The word originates from the Latin méntem and means "to think, to know, to understand". However, it can also have the meaning of measuring, weighing, since, with the skills she has, she can assess the weight and consequences of thoughts.

The mind implies a set of processes that develop consciously and unconsciously and allow the human being has the ability to obtain information, associate it, analyze it and draw its own conclusions. It is also linked to human characteristics such as reason, memory, intuition, intelligence, the archetype, the dream, the feeling, ego and superego, in addition to being able to influence the conduct of an individual, which we know as a person "mind open".

There is often some confusion between the concepts of what the human brain and mind are. The brain is the physical part, that is, it is an organ located in the cranial cavity that has a large number of neurons (cells of the nervous system). The mind represents as the immaterial and functional part of this organ. It is in charge of processing the information we receive and is responsible for responding to it through certain conduct.

There is also some divergence between areas of knowledge that study the mind. Neuroscience is responsible for understanding the functioning of the mind, through brain activity. There is a vital interaction function between the mind and the brain, where what affects one affects the other as well. Psychology, on the other hand, is the area that studies the behavior of the mind, based on psychotherapeutic practices that can cause changes in the brain's neural activity.

See more about the meaning of psychology.

how the mind works

One of the main characteristics of the mind is that it has the capacity for intelligence and reasoning. It works in a way that captures all the information that is stored in brain neurons and through this process, allied also with bodily stimuli, it is able to tune into any center of the nervous system throughout the body and lead to response of that information stored, in a fraction of seconds, allowing us to have a reaction or consequence to such a case.

The activity of the mind works within three levels that work according to the frequencies of the brain waves: Astral, alpha and theta. They work mainly in the mind's awareness and allied to the body's energy field, they cause different levels of mental relaxation, which allow us to rest, think, dream, etc.

There is also the level of unconsciousness. In it, only the subconscious acts and resembles a state of coma, or the level where we find ourselves in the spiritual world.

The Human Mind in Psychology

Psychology is the science responsible for the behavioral studies of the mind. It works to identify these behaviors and through its practices, it can change the functioning of the human mind, if necessary.

Therefore, unlike Neuroscience, Psychology is concerned with evaluating the behavior and reactions of the mind human being in certain situations, taking into account biological and social factors to explain such behaviors.

Psychology becomes one of the studies of fundamental importance for the human mind, as it manages to adjust its practices to discoveries and current trends in observing mental activity, broadening horizons and admitting new possibilities and characteristics to the mind human.

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