Vapor pressure in solutions

question 1

Given the aqueous solutions of the same molar concentration, which have the following solutes:

I. Ç6H12O6

II. Ç6H8O6


IV. Ç63H88Con14O14P

V. NaCl

The solutions that have the lowest vapor pressure are, respectively:

a) I and II.

b) III and IV.

c) III and V.

d) II and V.

e) I and IV.

question 2

See the following aqueous solutions and their respective concentrations:

I- 0.50 mol/L of C6H12O6

II- 0.15 mol/L of C6H12O6

III- 0.25 mol/L of C6H12O6

IV- 0.35 mol/L of C6H12O6

IV- 0.45 mol/L of C6H12O6

Check the alternative that presents the solution with the highest and lowest vapor pressure respectively:

a) I and II

b) II and III

c) II and IV

d) II and I

e) V and III

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