Tips for child health on vacation

Discovering new places, enjoying the pool and the beach, trying new foods are some of the many possibilities that vacations can offer. Given this time of exploration, we separated some tips simple and also very important to ensure the child health during the holidays.

Holidays are marked by moments of relaxation and pure fun. With so many different and new activities during this period, it is important to be careful that the children's joyful time does not become a major headache for the adults.

Read too: Risks of contaminated sand from playgrounds

Tips for child health on vacation

  • Tip 1 - Stay tuned

When it comes to vacations, it is essential to be aware of the activities performed by the children, the beaches and pools, for example, are common places of accidents with them.

Intoxications they can also occur due to non-observance of those responsible. Stories of children who ingested toxic plants or even chemicals like those used in house cleaning. Thus, rule number 1 to ensure a peaceful vacation is: always be aware of children's activities.

Swimming pools are common places for accidents, and it is essential that those responsible for the child have full attention when playing in the water.
Swimming pools are common places for accidents, and it is essential that those responsible for the child have full attention when playing in the water.
  • Tip 2 - Take care of the child's diet

On vacation, it is common for food made at home to be left out. Unhealthy foods and even of dubious provenance appear in this scenario, and that's where a big danger arises: food poisoning, that can cause vomiting and diarrhea.

The first step to avoid this problem is to try to feed on clean places and who appear to be careful with hygiene when preparing food. It is also important to wash always hands before eating, check how food is stored and avoid dairy products, eggs and undercooked meat.

Know more: Tips to Avoid Food Poisoning

  • Tip 3 - Worry about your child's hydration

Hydration is also a point that deserves to be highlighted. Intense games and excessive heat can be responsible for large water loss, requiring its replacement. Water, natural juices and coconut water can help the child to stay hydrated.

If you notice that she is with the dry lips and that your urine is more concentrated, it is recommended to encourage more water intake, as these are signs of dehydration.

  • Tip 4 - Beware of insect bites

the bites of insects can be a big headache on vacation. In addition to the fact that some mosquitoes are responsible for transmit disease, such as dengue, many children present severe allergies when bitten by some species of insects.

Therefore, to avoid these stings, measures can be taken, such as: use repellents and clothes that do not expose the skin, and stay away from anthills and beehives.

  • Tip 5 - Avoid unprotected sun exposure

Inadequate sun exposure is responsible for burns and, in the long term, even triggering skin cancer. Therefore, it is important to expose yourself to the sun with proper protection, and sunscreen stands out as one of the main agents to guarantee it.

It must be passed about 30 minutes before sun exposure and be reapplied every two hours, when there is excessive sweating or entering the water. It is noteworthy that children should only use sunscreen after six months of age.

in addition to the sunscreen, hats, glasses and clothing that block some of the radiation can be used. It is also important to remember that sun exposure should be avoided between 10 am and 4 pm.

Also access: Importance of sunscreens

The use of hats and sunscreen are measures that protect children from the harmful effect of the sun.
The use of hats and sunscreen are measures that protect children from the harmful effect of the sun.
  • Tip 6 - Keep your vaccination card up to date

To avoid a lot of illnesses, it's It is essential to maintain the vaccination card. in day. Currently, several diseases can be prevented by this type of immunization, which is the case of polio, of tetanus, gives whooping cough and of the chickenpox.

By vaccinating children, we prevent them from getting sick and also transmitting the disease to others. Vaccination, therefore, is important for decrease the incidence of a disease in the population.

Read too: Vaccines that all children should take

Have you seen how simple it is to ensure the health of children on vacation? Stay tuned for these tips and have fun!

By Vanessa Sardinha dos Santos
Biology teacher

Source: Brazil School -

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