Exercises on the Endocrine System

O endocrine system it is the system that produces the hormones of our body. It is formed by many glands and is responsible for regulating the metabolism and many other activities.

The lack or deficiency in the production of hormones can cause many problems to the body.

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We prepared a list of exercises on the endocrine system for you to test your knowledge about hormone production in our body.

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Exercises – Endocrine System

1) (UFC) The hormones secreted by the endocrine glands stimulate various functions and activities of organisms, such as, for example, growth and fright and anger reactions in vertebrates. Check the entirely correct option regarding the secretory glands and the effects of the indicated hormones.

a) Oxytocin is released from the pituitary gland and accelerates uterine contractions that lead to childbirth.

b) Somatotropin is released in the pancreas and promotes body growth.
c) Insulin is released from the pituitary and lowers blood glucose levels.
d) Adrenaline is released in the adrenals and lowers blood pressure.
e) Estrogen is released in the testes and determines the sex drive in males.

2) (UFLA) Consider the following hormones:

1 – Glucagon
2 – Adrenaline
3 – Somatotropin
4 – Noradrenaline
5 – Insulin

The glands responsible for their secretion are, respectively:

a) Pancreas, adrenals, pituitary, pancreas, adrenals.
b) Adrenals, pancreas, hypophysis, adrenals, pancreas.
c) Pancreas, pituitary, adrenals, adrenals, pancreas.
d) Pancreas, adrenals, pituitary, adrenals, pancreas.
e) Pancreas, adrenals, adrenals, pancreas, pituitary.

3) (UFV) Consider the following statements, related to the human endocrine system:

i. The thyroid is the gland that produces the hormone thyroxine, also called parathyroid hormone, which participates in the regulation of calcium and phosphate in the blood.
II. Glucagon and insulin are hormones produced by groups of cells in the pancreas, called Islets of Langerlhans, which participate in the control of blood glucose levels.
III. The pituitary gland, located at the base of the brain, produces several hormones, such as gonadotropin, adrenocorticotropic and thyrotrophic, which participate in regulating the activity of other glands endocrine.
IV. The gonads (ovaries and testes) are also endocrine glands, which produce hormones responsible for sexual maturation and the secondary sexual characteristics of the species.

They are correct only affirmations:

a) I, II and III.
b) II, III and IV.
c) I, II and IV.
d) I, III and IV.

4) (UFU) A certain hormone, released by a certain gland, removes calcium from the bone matrix, taking it to the plasma. The hormone and the gland are, respectively:

a) Somatotroph, pituitary.
b) Adrenaline, adrenal.
c) Parathormone, parathyroid.
d) Insulin, pancreas.
e) ADH, pituitary gland.

5) (UFRGS) The secretion of growth hormone STH produces which of the following effects?

a) Lipolysis increases, calcium absorption increases and protein synthesis decreases.
b) Lipolysis increases, calcium absorption increases and protein synthesis increases.
c) Lipolysis decreases, calcium absorption decreases and protein synthesis decreases.
d) Lipolysis decreases, calcium absorption increases and protein synthesis increases.
e) Lipolysis increases, calcium absorption decreases and protein synthesis decreases.

6) (VUNESP) Extreme sports are widespread activities among young people and have received increasing attention from the media, including on television. One of their characteristics, used in their advertising, is the ability to induce an increase in adrenaline production in participants. Indicate the alternative that correctly describes the place of production and the action of adrenaline.

a) Pancreas – vasoconstriction, sweating and elevation of blood sugar level.
b) Pituitary - vasodilation, increase in heart rate and dilation of pupils and bronchi.
c) Adrenal – vasodilation, sweating and pupil dilation.
d) Pituitary - reduction in blood volume, reduction in systemic blood pressure and elevation of blood sugar level.
e) Adrenal – vasoconstriction, increased heart rate and increased blood sugar level.

7) (UNEB) A deficit of water in the blood stimulates certain cells in the hypothalamus which, in turn, cause the pituitary to release:

a) oxytocin.
b) adrenaline.
c) secretin.
d) antidiuretic hormone.
e) luteinizing hormone.

8) (PUC – SP) A certain medicine inhibits the functioning of the enzyme responsible for the degradation of a substance I, which stimulates the production of insulin. If a person ingests a daily dose of this medicine, adequate to his organism, he must present:

a) increased blood glucose levels, as your pancreatic activity will increase.
b) reduction of blood glucose levels, since the activity of substance I will decrease.
c) increase in blood glucose levels, as insulin production will be stimulated.
d) reduction of blood glucose levels, as insulin production will be stimulated.
e) greater degradation of glycogen in the liver, which will imply a reduction in blood glucose levels.

9) (UFC) The moment of the entrance exam, without a doubt, causes in the candidates a mixture of sensations as well as pleasure, for being close to the so dreamed approval; emotion, for experiencing a great choice, and fear of making a mistake when answering the questions.

These sensations stimulate the nervous system, causing tachycardia and increased respiratory rate. Check the alternative that presents the gland that was stimulated and the hormone produced as a result of the sensations mentioned in the text.

a) Adrenal and adrenaline.
b) Thyroid and adrenaline.
c) Thyroid and calcitonin.
d) Pituitary gland and adrenaline.
e) Pineal and melatonin

10) (UFC) A friend of mine found out that he had thyroid cancer and would have to undergo surgery to remove that organ. He was informed that, as a result of the surgery, he would have to take medication, as the absence of this gland:

a) would cause an increase in the volume of the neck, characterizing a clinical condition known as endemic goiter.
b) it would reduce the production of growth hormone, causing the reduction of cartilage and bones, a phenomenon known as dwarfism.
c) it would decrease the concentration of calcium in the blood, leading to the convulsive contraction of smooth muscle cells, which would cause muscular tetany.
d) would compromise the production of antidiuretic hormone, increasing the concentration of water in the blood and decreasing the volume of urine excreted.
e) would lead to a generalized drop in metabolic activity, which would lead, for example, to a decrease in body temperature.


1 — the
2 — d
3 — b
4 — c
5 — b

6 — and
7 — d
8 — d
9 — the
10 — and

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See too:

  • List of exercises on the urinary system
  • List of exercises on sex determination in babies
  • List of exercises on the central nervous system
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