Natural aspects of Rio Grande do Norte

Rio Grande do Norte is a Brazilian state that is located in the Northeast region of Brazil. Its territory covers an area of ​​52,810,699 km2, an extension that houses a variety of natural elements that stand out in the landscape, such as relief, climate, vegetation and hydrography.
The surface of the State of Rio Grande do Norte is formed, in large part, by a flat relief; approximately 83% of the state's geographic space does not exceed 300 meters above sea level. The north-rio-grandense relief is composed of two relief units: lowlands and plateau. The lowlands are found in the east, north and west of the Borberema Plateau. The plateau is established in the north of Serra Borborema and extends to the south of the state.
In Rio Grande do Norte, two types of climate can be seen: tropical humid coastal and tropical semi-arid. On the coast, the prevailing climate is humid tropical; temperatures have an annual average of 20°C. In addition, rainfall levels are relatively high, reaching 1,500mm per year. On the other hand, the interior part of the state has a higher average temperature (somewhere around 27°C), and rainfall in the region is low and does not exceed 800 mm per year.

In the coastal region, two plant characteristics are identified: the mangroves and the Atlantic forest (remaining areas). In the west of the state, where temperatures are high and rainfall is restricted, the predominant vegetation cover is the Caatinga.
The hydrography of the State of Rio Grande do Norte is marked by the temporary nature of its rivers, that is, rivers that dry up during a period of the year as a result of the lack of rain. However, there are also rivers with a perennial regime (which do not dry out) in the wild and on the coast. Among the rivers that make up the hydrography, the main ones are: Mossoró, Apodi Assu, Piranhas, Potengi, Trairi, Jundiaí, Jacu, Seridó and Curimataú.

By Eduardo de Freitas
Graduated in Geography
Brazil School Team

large northern river - Northeast region - geography of Brazil - Brazil School

Source: Brazil School -

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