Tips for saving electricity

Check out some tips that you can use to reduce your electricity bill. The electricity bill represents a large monthly cost for a large part of Brazilian families. Furthermore, this type of energy is a natural resource that has an impact on the environment and, therefore, must be used conscientiously.

How to save residential electricity?

→ Pay your bills on time

It's very simple: late payment of bills generates interest, which, if avoided, would help reduce the value of your electricity bill.

→ Residential lighting

Always opt for light bulbs LED rather than incandescent lamps or fluorescent. LED lamps are more economical than fluorescent ones, illuminate more, and consume less energy in up to 30%. Another tip: natural lighting is free, so invest in larger windows when possible, as well as light-colored walls, which reflect more light.

LED lamps are the most economical nowadays.

→ Unplug the devices from the socket

Most household appliances remain plugged in, instand-by. In this mode, the devices have most of their main functions turned off, but are ready to be quickly turned on. The simple act of unplugging these devices can represent savings of up to 12% on the bill at the end of the month.

See too:Learn how to calculate the power of an appliance

→ Decrease the use of air conditioning

Nowadays, it is common to keep the air conditioning turned on to cool the house, however, this type of appliance consumes a lot of energy and its use should be moderate if you want to save money. Choose to use the fan when possible, if not, use the air conditioning between temperatures from 23ºC to 25ºC, in addition, schedule it to turn off during the night.

→ Use the refrigerator conscientiously

Refrigerators are indispensable, but we can use them better. Avoid opening the refrigerator door constantly. When we open its door, the air inside it increases in temperature, so the refrigerator needs to cool it again. Check that the rubber that frames the refrigerator door inside is in good condition and that the appliance is capable of insulating the air inside.

Lookalso:How Refrigerating Machines Work

Use the fridge thermostat to your advantage. According to the local temperature, you can choose the best operating regime for your refrigerator. On cold days, with few door openings, for example, it is not necessary for the appliance to operate fully potency.

Avoid placing pans or hot dishes in the refrigerator. This causes an unnecessary increase in power consumption. Allow the food to cool naturally outside, then store it.

If your refrigerator accumulates ice, remove it whenever there is excess. Ice is a thermal insulator, and its accumulation in the freezer affects the refrigerator's refrigeration capacity, which is directly reflected in consumption.

→ Get to know your home's electrical installations

Hire an electrician and ask him to inspect your home's wiring. Old or poorly wired wiring tends to increase electricity consumption. The bad dimensioning of the electric current that passes through the wires can also seriously compromise the security of your house and the energy consumption in it.

Smaller diameter electrical wires (gauge) tend to have greater electrical resistance and, therefore, are not capable of conducting as much energy as other thicker wires. The greater the electrical resistance of a wire, the more electrical energy it will “waste” in the form of heat, due to the Joule effect. An overheating in these wires can lead to the appearance of short circuits and fires, so be careful: trust the electrical design of your home in the hands of a professional.

Lookalso: Ohm's second law

→ Choose more efficient home appliances

When changing your home appliances, always choose those that are more energy efficient. Always check the seal provided by the National Institute of Metrology, Quality and Technology (Inmetro). In this seal, it is possible to check the efficiency of various devices on a scale ranging from AND — less efficient — even THE - more efficient.

The table of efficiencyenergetic of Inmetro also presents the average monthly consumption of each device. With it, it is possible to have a forecast of the impact that some appliance will have on your account at the end of the month.

home appliance
Always choose the most efficient appliances.

→ Reduce bathing time

O electric shower is one of the biggest villains of the energy bill. The power of showers is usually very high, ranging between 2000 W and 5000 W. Adjust the shower to more economical positions and cut down on bathing time, this will likely greatly reduce your monthly energy consumption.

→ Check the meter clock

Do you suspect you're not spending as much as your energy bill indicates? It is possible to request a re-reading from the distribution company, but before that, be sure to note the measure of electricity consumption directly on your watch. Look in your account for the period of each measurement, then write down the values ​​dialed on your watch and subtract them against the itemized values ​​in your account.

Lookalso:Five Things You Should Know About Electricity

→ Produce your own electricity

If you live in a house and consume a lot of kilowatt hours (kWh), it may be feasible to produce your own energy. First, study the possibility of using a solar heater. This type of equipment uses sunlight to heat the water used in the baths. In addition, it may be that the place where you live and your consumption are compatible with the use of solar panels. These are capable of converting light energy into electricity through a phenomenon called the photoelectric effect. Although expensive, solar panels can have their cost reversed by the energy bill savings over a few years.

Electric solar heater
Electric solar heaters are a good option to save electricity.

By Me. Rafael Helerbrock

Source: Brazil School -

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