Cell phone and teenagers: a dangerous relationship

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A survey carried out in Flanders, Belgium, with 1,656 students aged 13 to 17, revealed that using a cell phone at night is practical. recurrent among teenagers and this is directly related to the increase in the level of tiredness of these young people after some time.
Parents' greatest concern with regard to the media is the time children spend watching TV, listening to music or surfing the Internet. The cell phone is seen as a simple communication device, useful in emergency situations, but young people today use modern means of communication in ways that parents do not even imagine.
Cases of excessive tiredness reported by adolescents were attributed to abuse in cell phone use, both in calls and in text messaging. They spend a lot of time connecting with other people, and some of them do it all night.
On the other hand, better academic performance is related to a good night's sleep. Studies reveal that teenagers who sleep less are more prone to cognitive or behavioral problems in the classroom. Parents should be aware: it is necessary to restrict or prohibit the use of cell phones after bedtime.

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Experts recommend that children and teenagers get between eight and ten hours of sleep a night to maintain a healthy life and perform well during the day. In addition, parents who suspect that their children are suffering from sleep disorders should consult a pediatrician or specialist in the field. And give advice like: sleep well to improve your grades.

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By Líria Alves
Brazil School Team

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Precautions about using cell phones

Curiosities - Brazil School

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SOUZA, Líria Alves de. "Mobile Phones and Teens: A Dangerous Relationship"; Brazil School. Available in: https://brasilescola.uol.com.br/curiosidades/celular-adolescentes-uma-relacao-perigosa.htm. Accessed on June 27, 2021.


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