10 Typical Goiana Cuisine Dishes

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Goiás is located literally in the heart of Brazil. Belonging to the Midwest region, during the construction of its history the state received influences from different locations.

In relation to typical dishes of Goiás cuisine, the main references are the cuisine of Minas Gerais and Bandeirantes from all over the Southeast. This proximity between Minas Gerais and Goiás, in fact, yields many disputes over the authorship of the recipes.

Succulent dishes, served with great generosity and with ingredients closely linked to rural culture - mainly because of agribusiness, a brand of the state - characterize the Typical foods, which are among the most delicious in the country.

Main ingredients of Goiás cuisine

Simple but very rich in flavor! This is how the cuisine of the state of Goiás can be defined. Loaded with traditions, the dishes have rice as a reference ingredient.

But, in addition to it, pork, chicken, pequi, corn, cassava and cheese are present in most recipes. Speaking of which, if there is a place where family recipes are taken seriously, that place is Goiás. Sweets and grocery stores are true family treasures.

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Much of the typical flavors are credited to seasonings. Garlic, onion, green scent, saffron, hot pepper and scent complement the basic ingredients, giving a strong taste to any preparation.

Typical food from Goiás

1. fool

Typical Foods Goiânia - Pamonha with Cheese

Unanimity among Goiás! So much so that in more traditional restaurants there is even a rodízio de mush. In Goiás, the traditional pasta, which includes grated green corn, lard and spices, is enhanced with cheese, sausage, chicken, shredded meat and pepper.

Unquestionably delicious, the dish supports one of the oldest traditions in the state. At the time of corn harvest, entire families, including children, gather in the famous “pamonhadas”.

2. Rice with pequi

Rice with Pequi - Goiânia Food

There is no way to talk about typical Goiás food without mentioning pequi. Loved by some and hated by others, it can be prepared alone or with chicken. However, the preparation with rice is the real classic. The dish includes, in addition to rice, saffron, pequi and spices, but can count on additionals, such as corn, guariroba and chicken. The success is such that the delicacy gained gourmet reinterpretations and became known throughout Brazil.

3. Patty Goiano

Goiás cuisine - Empadão Goiano

The Goiás pie, despite being known throughout the state, is typical of the city of Goiás. The dough, perfectly proportioned to the filling, is light and melts in your mouth. The stuffing includes shredded chicken, homemade sausage, pork, pequi and guariroba.

4. Clique

Typical dishes from Goiás - Panelinha
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This is a new name for something the people of Goiás have been doing for a long time: rice and meat are prepared together and in a clay pot. There are pans of various flavors, however, the most traditional are chicken with pequi and carne de sol. Two spices are essential, sweet pepper and saffron. The generous mozzarella cheese topping is also a must.

5. Chicken Soup

Chicken - Goiás Dishes

There is an eternal dispute between the dish's creator state. Regardless, the flavor of Goiás chicken is indisputable. Rice, chicken, saffron are added with pequi, guariroba and a lot of green smell. A true icon among the typical dishes of Goiás.

6. pit dog x-all

pit dog x-tudo - Traditional Goiânia foods

Long before the popularity of food trucks, the people of Goiás already enjoyed food from stalls. In fact, the sandwich is one of the gastronomic passions of the state. Whether in the capital or inland, a square in Goiás is synonymous with pit-dog, an affectionate name given to small street snack bars.

X-Tudo is mandatory accompaniment at the end of the ballad. And that's it: hamburgers, bacon, fried eggs, ham, sausage, cheese, salad, corn and potato chips. To go with? The best choice is a cream, which is nothing more than a fruit pulp beaten with ice, milk and condensed milk.

7. Green Corn Angu

Recipe from Goiás - Angu de Milho Verde with Chicken

Rice and beans, chicken with guariroba and okra with jiló form the most traditional combination of typical lunches in the interior of the state. But, in addition to them, a side dish is indispensable, the green corn angu. The beans are beaten with a little water and the mixture is strained. Then it goes to the pan until it thickens. It combines a lot with green scent and pepper scent.

8. Cheese Biscuit

typical dishes from Goiânia - Cheese Biscuit

The cheese biscuit is a grocery store of much questioned origin. However, in Goiás, especially in the interior, it is a true tradition. The dough, which crumbles in the mouth, is baked and the main ingredients are flour, eggs, milk and cheese. It is the ideal accompaniment for the afternoon coffee.

9. Naked jerk

Traditional Goiânia Recipes - Mané Pelado

In the state of Goiás, cassava cake earns the name peeled loser. The dough also has coconut and grated cheese, leaving the dish creamy and irresistible. In the city of São Francisco de Goiás, 83 km from the capital, Barraca da Cida is a reference in preparation. At any time of day, there's always a hot naked nerd!

10. Jam sweets

Sweets from Goiás - Sweets in Jam

Although the state is very famous for its sweets, it's the jams that have the greatest prominence. They are handcrafted by confectioners, and are usually prepared with fruit or milk and cooked in copper pots. It's a real art, handed down from generation to generation.

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