8 Diseases Caused by Rats

It is very common for people to be disgusted with rats, since these animals are dirty and seen as a "pest", already that are capable of destroying plantations and warehouses on farms, as well as destroying structures anywhere with their teeth. In addition, rats are vectors of a series of diseases that can infect other mammals, such as humans, for example. Therefore, we produced a list with Diseases caused by rats and their symptoms, so that you pay attention to this rodent.


  • 1) Hantavirus
  • 2) Leptospirosis
  • 3) Rat bite fever
  • 4) Salmonellosis
  • 5) Scabies (scabies):
  • 6) Bubonic Plague:
  • 7) Colorado Oak Fever
  • 8) Cutaneous leishmaniasis

1) Hantavirus

It is a viral disease that is transmitted by mice. The contagion is through inhalation of dust contaminated with urine or rat excrement, direct contact with rat feces or urine, and, in some cases, due to rat bite. Its symptoms are severe infections of the lungs (with cough and shortness of breath) or kidneys (with skin rash, abdominal pain and sometimes kidney failure).

2) Leptospirosis

This is a bacterial disease that can be transmitted by coming into contact with infected water or through contaminated reservoirs. The main symptoms are fever, headache, body aches, especially in the calves (leg potatoes), vomiting, diarrhea and coughing may also occur.

3) Rat bite fever

This disease is caused by direct contact with the rodent. It can be transmitted through a bite, scratch or contact with a dead mouse. Its main symptoms are: chills, fever, vomiting, headache, back pain, red spots on hands and feet and joint tumors.

4) Salmonellosis

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The disease is caused by consuming food or water contaminated with bacteria from rat feces. Its main symptoms are fever, headache, nausea, vomiting, lack of appetite, colic, diarrhea, which may or may not have signs of blood.

5) Scabies (scabies):

It is an infectious disease, caused by the parasite Sarcoptes scabie, transmitted by intimate contact between people or even through clothing. This parasite feeds on keratin, the protein that makes up the surface layer of the skin. symptoms manifest on the skin through small erythematous lesions that can form a scab because of the itch.

6) Bubonic Plague:

With its peak in the middle of the 14th century, in the Middle Ages, in Europe, this is a serious and often fatal disease. It is caused by the plague bacteria, Yersinia pestis, which is transmitted by rodents, being carried on their fleas, which they contaminate through food. Domestic rats are the most common hosts of the plague. Its symptoms are usually high fever, listlessness, dizziness, tremors, light intolerance, headache, increased heart rate, tiredness, dry cough and then bloody and enlarged lymph nodes.

7) Colorado Oak Fever

A viral disease that is transmitted by the bite of a tick that has in turn fed on the blood of an infected mouse.

8) Cutaneous leishmaniasis

This disease is transmitted through a parasite found in a fly that has fed on a dead mouse. This disease causes ulcers in the skin and mucous membranes of the upper airways.

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