Meaning of Karma (What it is, Concept and Definition)

karma or karma means action, in Sanskrit (ancient sacred language of India) is a term coming from the religion Buddhist, hinduist and jain, later adopted also by spiritism.

In physics, this word is equivalent to the law: "For every action there is a reaction of equivalent force in the opposite direction", that is, for every action that a individual practices there will be a reaction, depending on the religion the meaning of the word may be different, but it is usually related to the action and its consequences.

The law of Karma is that law that adjusts the effect to its cause, that is, all the good or bad that we have done in a lifetime will bring us good or bad consequences for this life or future lifetimes. The law of Karma is unmodifiable, and is known in many religions as "heavenly justice".

In Sanskrit, karma means "deliberate act". In its origins, the word karma meant "force" or "movement". Despite this, the post-Vedic literature expresses the evolution of the term to "law" or "order", being often defined as "

force conservation law". This means that each person will receive the result of his actions. It is a mere case of cause and consequence.

Although many religions and philosophies in India do not include the concept of guilt, punishment, forgiveness and redemption, karma works as an essential mechanism to reveal the importance of behaviors individual.

In Buddhism, karma is used to show the importance of developing right attitudes and intentions.

Karma and Dharma

Dharma or dharma, is a Sanskrit word with different meanings, but essentially represents a law or reality.

At the Hinduismdharma is defined as the moral and religious law that regulates an individual's behavior. It is also described as the mission in the world or the life purpose of an individual.

in context Buddhist, dharma is synonymous with blessing or reward for good deeds. Dharma, Buddha and community (sangha) form the "triple treasure" (triratna).

According to jainismdharma is the classification given to the eternal element that enables the movement of beings.

read all about buddhism.

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