Meaning of Ecstasy (What it is, Concept and Definition)

ecstasy is the emotional state in which the individual feels out of his mind or in a trance, characterized by the extreme intensification of various feelings, such as pleasure, joy, fear, etc.

O state of ecstasy it is usually provoked in response to a very intense emotional stimulus. The climax of orgasm is considered by some people to be a state of ecstasy.

Some doctrines, such as Buddhism, for example, use meditation and relaxation techniques to achieve "nirvana", that is, finding an emotional condition that awakens the feeling of great peace and total absence of sadness or Suffering.

Learn more about the meaning of Nirvana.

Etymologically, the word "ecstasy" originated from the Greek ekstasis, a term that refers to the sensation of “taking someone out of their own mind”, that is, a state of trance motivated by a mental disorder.

drug ecstasy

Ecstasy is the popular name of methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA), a synthetic illicit drug known for its euphoric effects, agitation, sense of well-being and changes in the sensory perception of individuals who consume it.

Other dangerous consequences can arise from taking ecstasy, such as nausea, dehydration, hypertension and hyperthermia. Depending on the resistance capacity of the consumer's body, the person can have severe seizures and even die.

The use of ecstasy became popular from the 1980s onwards, with the growth of fashion techno and the parties rave, where the consumption of this drug in tablet form was common.

Ecstasy acts directly on the consumer's brain, altering substances that are responsible for making the connections between neurotransmitters and nerve cells. The effects of ecstasy (when taken in pill form) last an average of 4 hours.

According to studies of frequent ecstasy users, user presents a series of mental disorders, such as: memory loss, verbal difficulty, hallucinations, paranoia, panic attacks, depression, difficulty making decisions and sudden death (from cardiovascular collapse).

Ecstasy (MDMA) was patented in 1914, after the request made by the chemist who synthesized the substance, Anton Kollisch, in 1912.

Initially, ecstasy was developed to help military personnel combat sleep and hunger during their missions.

In the 1970s, the substance MDMA came to be used as a drug for the treatment of some pathologies psychological, but it was banned when doctors noticed that ecstasy caused injuries in neurons.

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