Irony and Maieutics of Socrates

Socrates, who lived in the century. IV a. a., faced the moral relativism in which the Greek democ...

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Great Men, Glorious Discoveries

The history of Mathematics is full of scholars who sought explanations for the most fascinating s...

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The Personalism of Emmanuel Mounier

What was Personalism?Personalism, as an intellectual and philosophical movement, emerged in the p...

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Education in classical Greece from the sophists to Plato

The community character of Paideia (education) Greek imprinted itself on each member, being the s...

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Fight is not violence: the importance of fights in Physical Education classes

I am pretty sure that the subject being worked on in this text is quite foreign to many people. T...

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The Curriculum Structure of the Physical Education Discipline

You may have already wondered why Mathematics, Portuguese Language or Science classes present a ...

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Conflict between reason and faith. The conflict between reason and faith throughout history

Traditionally, the chapter of the History of Humanity on the theme “conflict between reason and f...

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Self-massage: benefits for the body and mind

The act of massaging yourself is an action of personal comfort, as classified by Desmond Morris i...

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Games: between cooperation and competition

In usual terms, the idea of ​​what a game is is often significantly mixed with the idea of ​​a sp...

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Theory of natural lighting in St. Augustine

Always striving for wisdom and even more for the truth, Augustine of Hippo went through several e...

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Rousseau: inequality and contract

In the state of nature, claims Rousseau, man had an essentially animal life. The rough existence ...

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The historical conditions for the rise of Philosophy

Greece (Hellas) was nothing more than a set of city-states (polis) that developed on the Balkan P...

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