Meaning of Desidia (What it is, Concept and Definition)

Desidia is negligent behavior, used to represent the attitude of an employee who performs his duties with carelessness, laziness, inattention or ill will.

The negligence can lead to dismissal for cause, in accordance with article 481 of the CLT (Consolidation of Labor Laws), if the employee has already been warned in advance about his reckless behavior.

Learn more about meaning of CLT.

When it is said that the employee performs their respective duties with negligence, it means that, even after being communicated about light absences at work, he continues to remain disinterested in fix them. In this way, the employee's repetitive errors end up representing a loss for the company, which, for this reason, can dismiss him.

Some of the attitudes that can be categorized as a reckless behavior they are: little production, constant delays, unjustified absences, imperfect production, leaving the workplace during their workday, among others.

See also:meaning of procrastinate.

In addition to the work environment, negligence consists of all types of behavior that demonstrate a lack of zeal and attention to some activity or function. Idleness, excessive procrastination, lack of commitment and the attempt to avoid any kind of physical or moral effort are some of the characteristics that characterize negligence.

Some of the main synonymous with negligence they are: carelessness, negligence, negligence, carelessness, neglect, negligence, disinterest, abandonment, indolence, inertia, laziness, impassivity, laxity, ignominiousness and discouragement.

See also:meaning of idle.

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