Meaning of Danger (What it is, Concept and Definition)

Danger is the quality of what is dangerous or risky for life.

Normally, this term is usually applied in the context of occupational health and safety, indicating when a certain activity or function is considered a threat to the worker's life and health.

In this case, as determined by Brazilian labor laws, the professional has the right to benefit from a extra remuneration as a "reward" for the predisposition to the high risk that is exposed in favor of the performance of its work.

Additional for hazardous work

According to the regulation of labor rights approved by the Ministry of Labor and Employment of Brazil, the risk premium must be paid to the worker who performs Dangerous and life-threatening tasks.

The handling of explosives, radioactive substances, in addition to activities related to property security and anti-theft personnel are some examples of functions performed by the employee that are applicable to the additional dangerousness.

The assumptions that specify the rules of this labor law are provided for between articles 193 and 196 of the CLT (

Consolidation of labor laws, through Decree-Law No. 5.452, of May 1, 1943).

The hazard pay is 30% of the employee's base salary.

Learn more about the meaning of CLT.

Unhealthy and dangerous

Unhealthy is the quality of what is unhealthy, that is, what is bad for health, as well as to the well-being and psychic and physical integrity.

Workers who perform functions in unhealthy environments are eligible to receive an unhealthy bonus, according to the CLT. In this case, professionals can receive between 10% to 40% of the minimum wage.

People who work in environments with a lot of noise, chemicals, exposure to cold or heat, dust, dirt, etc., are some examples that meet the requirements of unhealthy conditions.

Dangerousness, as said, consists of activities that may correspond to a high risk of death.

It is noteworthy that, according to the rules provided for in labor laws, the additional for unhealthy work and for hazardous work are not cumulative, that is, the professional who performs dangerous and unhealthy functions should opt for the additional benefit that is of greatest benefit.

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