Chickenpox (Chickenpox). Chickenpox Symptoms and Treatment

One of the most common diseases in children under 10 years of age is chickenpox, popularly known as chickenpox. This disease is very contagious and usually causes outbreaks in late winter and early spring. This relationship with the climate lies in the fact that, in the cold, people look for closed environments, which facilitates transmission.

Chickenpox is caused by a virus, specifically chickenpox zoster. This disease can trigger serious manifestations in immunocompromised people, very young children and adults.


The symptoms of chickenpox are quite characteristic: the appearance of several red balls throughout the body that, little by little, become blisters, break up and give rise to sores. In the same individual, it is possible to observe several lesions at different stages of development. In addition to the skin rash, chickenpox is accompanied by fever, discomfort, and severe itching.

Although quite infrequent, some complications can arise, such as pneumonia and neurological problems. In addition, the lesions can suffer bacterial contamination, thus causing serious complications. Therefore, it is important to emphasize the importance of not scratching the wounds and always keeping your hands and nails clean.


The transmission of chickenpox occurs through droplets of saliva present in the air or even through the contact of a healthy person with the liquid found inside the vesicles. It is worth noting that transmission can also occur through contact with contaminated objects and, during pregnancy, through the placenta.

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In pregnancy, chickenpox can be extremely harmful and trigger abnormal embryo development. Injuries to the fetus can result in skin tags, low weight, cataracts, and even mental retardation. When the mother contracts the disease close to the time of delivery, there is a risk of death for the baby.

Treatment and Prevention

The treatment of chickenpox is through therapies that alleviate the symptoms. The main objective is to reduce the itching caused by injuries, preventing, for example, secondary contamination arising as a result of the act of scratching. When contamination occurs, the use of antibiotics may be necessary.

The disease usually disappears within seven to ten days after the onset of symptoms and, after recovery, the person becomes immune to the disease. Sometimes, however, the virus remains latent in the body, and reactivation may occur. When the virus comes out of the latency state, a disease called herpes zoster, which causes the appearance of painful and sensitive blisters.

Chickenpox can be prevented by a vaccine, which is made from attenuated virus. This drug guarantees protection of up to 97% against the disease for children under 13 years of age and is available for healthy children between 12 months and 12 years and for adults who have never had the disease.

By Ma. Vanessa dos Santos

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SANTOS, Vanessa Sardinha dos. "Chickenpox (Chickenpox)"; Brazil School. Available in: Accessed on June 27, 2021.

Chickenpox (Chickenpox). Chickenpox Symptoms and Treatment

One of the most common diseases in children under 10 years of age is chickenpox, popularly known ...

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