The verb to give and the hours


They left as soon as two o'clock in the afternoon.

Ex: They left as soon as it was two o'clock in the afternoon.

Which of the two prayers is correct?

It may sound strange, but it is the second sentence that is right according to the cultured norm of the language.

When the verbs give, hit, sound, remain, miss and be refer to the hours they must agree with the subject of the sentence, which is usually: hour(s), minute(s), second(s), chime(s), bell(s), clocks). Let's see:

to the clockit gave two hours.
B) remainfive minutes to run out of time.
ç) Lackone minute for six in the afternoon.
of bell hit twelve strokes.
and) soundedtwo hours on the clock. Let's go! (in this case, the verb is agreeing with the numeral two hours = rang)

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In the latter case, the verb to sound is in agreement with the numeral that indicates the hours, as well as the verb to be in: It is three o'clock in the afternoon. On the other hand, if the subject is the one keeping the hours, the verb will agree with the same.

Important: We do not say noon and a half, but half a day and a half, because "half" is related to the hour: half an hour.

By Sabrina Vilarinho
Graduated in Letters

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VILARINHO, Sabrina. "The verb to give and the hours"; Brazil School. Available in: Accessed on June 28, 2021.

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