Improperties attributed to certain modes of expression

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When analyzing the inadequacies that are attributed to some forms of expression, we infer that it deals with the evident "bugs" of language that perhaps tend to demarcate certain circumstances communicative. These being, therefore, in full ascension, we can define them as some stumbling blocks that the user makes and that should be taken into account, especially when it comes to formal situations in which we make use of the language.

In the face of such an occurrence, the evident grammatical inaccuracies are demarcated through elements that infringe aspects related to orthographic, syntactic and also semantic issues, the latter being the object of our study.

By way of illustration, even because it would be impossible to portray all representative cases, we will support ourselves in some considered somewhat trivial, sharing the linguistic universe of many writers and speakers, as is the case of the verb "to suffer". This, in turn, is evident in statements of this nature:

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Through a more detailed analysis, we realize that the intention is to attribute to the verb in vogue (suffering) a vicarious character, whose meaning is related to the act of "taking the place of", "replacing something". Thus, it should be noted that such statements lack some reformulation, which are materialized through a more effective repertoire. Showing it would be more or less to say:

Based on these assumptions, let's avoid the "suffering" of some expressions and opt for the convenient way!!!

By Vânia Duarte
Graduated in Letters

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DUARTE, Vânia Maria do Nascimento. "Improperties attributed to certain modes of expression"; Brazil School. Available in: Accessed on June 28, 2021.
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