Definition of Eye of Horus (What it is, Concept and Definition)

Eye of Horus, also known as udyat, is a symbol that means power and protection. The eye of horus was one of the most important amulets in Ancient Egypt, and were used as a representation of strength, force, safety and health.

Horus was the Egyptian god of the rising sun and was represented as a falcon. He was the personification of light and had it as his enemy Seth, the god of disorder and violence.

Eye of Horus

In the myth of Osiris, Horus is the son of Isis and Osiris. Horus was known by different names: Harakhte (Horus of the Horizon), Harpocrates (Horus the Child), Haroeris (Horus the Elder), among others.

Currently, the eye of Horus is also used as a symbol against envy and the evil eye, as well as protection, and that is why its image is widely used to make tattoos, on various parts of the body. It is quite common to see the Eye of Horus in the form of pendants. In addition to the eye of Horus, the ankh, a hieroglyph that symbolizes life, is also popularly used as an amulet and in tattoos.

Some people believe that the Eye of Horus is a representation of the pineal gland, which is found in the brain and produces melatonin. In the more mystical realm, some authors called this gland the "third eye", indicating that it was responsible for the connection between the body and the soul.

There is a legend that the eye of Horus is made up of two parts, the left eye and the right, where the left eye symbolizes the moon and the right eye the sun. The legend goes back to Egypt, where, in a fight, the god Seth took out the left eye of Horus, which was eventually replaced by an amulet, which gave rise to what is now known as the eye of Horus.

Right and Left Eye of Horus

Horus' right eye represents concrete information, which is controlled by the left side of the brain. This side is responsible for understanding letters, words and numbers, and is more oriented to the universe in a masculine way.

The left eye represents abstract information, is represented by the moon, and symbolizes a feminine side, with thoughts and feelings, intuition, and the ability to see a spiritual side.

Eye of Horus in Freemasonry

The eye of Horus is part of the symbols of the Freemasons, which for them means that they are always being watched by someone, by a superior being, by the Great Architect of the Universe. Sometimes Freemasonry puts a triangle in the eye, as they have a preference with the number three.

However, some authors claim that the eye revealed as a symbol of Freemasonry is the "All-Seeing Eye", and is not related to the Eye of Horus.

Find out more about the meaning of Masonry.

Read about the meaning of the greek eye.

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