Anchor Meaning (What it is, Concept and Definition)

Anchor is a word from the area of nautical which indicates a iron piece attached to a rope or chain and used to Anchorimmobilize a floating object.

Originating in Greek agkyra, an anchor is usually massive, heavy and with a lot of strength, formed by a ring and two or more points. The anchor is attached to a cable and then thrown into the sea or river, serving to hold the vessel in question steady.

In figurative meaning, the anchor word may indicate shelter, protection or support. Ex: In the most difficult time of my life, you were the anchor that saved me.

The expression "raising or dropping anchor" can also be used figuratively to indicate the act of settling in a certain place or going to another place.

Anchors are also very popular in tattoos, because they also symbolize firmness, hope, stability, fidelity, tranquility and strength.

In the Bible the word anchor is seen in Hebrews 6:19: "We have this hope as an anchor of the soul, firm and secure..." passage referring to hope according to God's promise.

anchor in journalism

In journalism, the word anchor refers to the journalist who presents a newscast.

This professional coordinates and narrates the events, connecting and balancing the various elements transmitted, such as: live reporters, studio guests, reports recorded, etc. The anchor's goal is that the content transmission is professional, stable and credible.

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