Meaning of Satanism (What It Is, Concept and Definition)

Satanism it is a movement, doctrine or philosophical belief which contemplates the figure of Satan positively.

Satanism consists of denial and inversion of Christian practices and beliefs. It began to be defined in the 18th century, having a relatively recent origin. Some of its followers claim that Satanism is not just a religion, and has been influenced by various religions, views and literary works.

Some of the origins of Satanism may have started with worship rituals and in honor of the titan Prometheus, the Egyptian god Seth, the Sumerian god Enki or the god Molech, worshiped by the Ammonites.

There are different currents of Satanism, with different beliefs and practices. There are theistic and atheistic Satanists. While theists believe in the existence of an entity called Satan, atheists do not believe in deities like God and the Devil, and see Satan as a symbol of pride, independence and ambition personal.

One of the main symbols of satanism it is the inverted pentagram (with only one end facing downwards).

modern satanism

What is considered modern Satanism had its bases with Anton LaVey, responsible for writing several works related to Satanism, including the Satanic Bible. In 1966 LaVey founded what is considered by many to be the first Satanic Church.

Satanism asserts that there is no life after death and that life must be viewed selfishly, with the sole aim of satisfying your own needs in any way possible.

Many Satanists today do not define themselves as people who worship evil, but as people who explore unknown realities and who seek values ​​such as individuality, pride and independence.

Satanism and Witchcraft

Several authors believe that Satanism began with the witch hunt, which took place between the 15th and 18th century, where people were accused of practicing witchcraft as a form of Devil worship. At that time, Satanism gained strength in the French court and other European courts, and had some influence from the romanticism and enlightenment of some writers like the Marquis de Sade.

The link between Satanism and witchcraft (or black magic) is confirmed thanks to some literary works, such as "Satanic Witchcraft", a book by Anton LaVey.

Satanism and Freemasonry

Several people associate Satanism with other groups like the masonry, illuminati, big companies or celebrities.

Despite this, as these are secret groups or those involved in mystery, it is difficult to confirm these connections, which may be true or may be just part of a conspiracy theory.

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