Definition of Accounting Sciences (What it is, Concept and Definition)

Accounting sciences are one of the areas of specific knowledge that is responsible for organizing and take care of a company's finances, through the registration and control of expenses, profits and revenues.

It is the area that coordinates and monitors the registration of business, such as purchases, sales, investments and applications of a company, in order to obtain an accurate view of its real assets.

Accounting sciences can also help to design investment plans and re-plan the company's strategy, in the face of financial difficulties. Its actions can interpret economic events and provide information to company directors for decision-making.

The professional responsible for all this planning and this financial organization of accounting sciences is the counter. In a company, he can work in the tax or financial sector, in the human resources sector or in accounting expertise.

It is the accountant's responsibility to record all financial transactions, write reports and prepare the organization's balance sheet. He can also work in accounting offices, helping small and medium-sized companies that outsource the accounting sector or helping people to start their own businesses. To exercise the activity, the professional must be registered with the Regional Accounting Council of their respective state.

Accounting Course

Although accounting science is a specific area of ​​financial planning, it is also has lines of knowledge focused on the social, thus belonging to the area of ​​social sciences applied.

The training in accounting sciences lasts 4 years and includes courses focused on the areas of economics, sociology, law, administration and technical and area-specific disciplines such as accounting theory, planning and accounting financial. Some courses may have an internship requirement and may also require the writing of a course completion monograph.

Accounting Science Course Symbol

The symbol of the course is represented by the figure of the Caduceus, a staff entwined by two serpents and a winged helmet, as shown in the figure below:

accounting sciences

The stick represents the power of those who know accounting science, the snakes symbolize wisdom, the wings represent dedication and care when exercising the profession and the helmet, has the meaning of protection against thoughts that lead the professional to dishonest actions.

See also the meaning of accounting.

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