Object pronouns: how to use and solved exercises

You object pronouns (objectpronouns) have the main function of replace nouns or nominal phrases. You pronouns they are relevant to the construction of a more cohesive text, seeking to minimize repetitions that hinder its fluidity.

You objectpronouns play the prayer object function, substituting nouns or noun phrases. Equivalent to the personal pronouns of the oblique case in Portuguese, these pronouns occupy a position after the main verb in the clause, complementing its meaning. In the next sections, we will cover object pronouns, identifying their use with examples. Are you ready?

What are the objectpronouns?

In the English language, there are eight personal pronouns, that is, eight subject pronouns and eight object pronouns. This is because in English, unlike our mother tongue, there is the genderfeminine, male and neutral for the third person singular.

In the English language, personal pronouns can be both objects and subjects.
In the English language, personal pronouns can be both objects and subjects.

Furthermore, it is important to emphasize that some subject pronouns and objects don't change shape

, for example: you and it are the same in both categories. However, the role they play in prayer is different, that is, of subject and object. The object pronoun in the second person singular and plural does not change in English (you). Look at the table below.

object pronouns

Object Pronouns



me me


him o you


him, o, him


him, to, to her


you the

Plural form




them, to you


them, the, the

Now follow the examples.

my dad saw you at school.

This sentence can be translated in two ways:

• My father saw you at school.

• My father saw you at school.

This is because the second person singular and plural remains the same. So how do we know the correct translation? We must pay attention to the given context, only it allows us to say whether we are dealing with you or you.

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How to use the objectpronouns?

It is very common to use the objectpronouns for avoid some repetitions when we write or speak. However, it is necessary to pay attention to the most appropriate use of these pronouns, since they have the direct or indirect object function of prayer. Consequently, they must come after the main verb when replacing the noun or noun phrase.

Note the following examples:

she gave me the keys.

she me it gave the keys.

see that the pronoun comes right after the verb gave. Who gives, gives something to someone. Thus, me it occupies the position of indirect object of the prayer.

Peter awning us his secrets from him.

Peter he told us his secrets.

Usappears after the verb, having the function of object.

The shelves are full of books. I'm going to read them.

The shelves are full of books. I will read-them.

In this case, we replace books per them, once we repeat books it would be unnecessary.

if bookswere in the singular, we should replace with it, since it corresponds to the neutral gender in English:

I'm going to read it.

I will readit.

Heads up: the pronounit is used in the third person singular for nouns that represent animals, objects, things, substances, abstract ideas, etc.

is this your dog? I will take it to the vet.

É Is this your dog? I the I will take to the veterinarian.

the noun dog belongs to the neuter gender in English. He is in the third person singular. Therefore, when replaced, it. If it was in the plural, we would use them, once the third person plural only has an English form.. Don't forget that the translation of the neuter gender fits into Portuguese, which corresponds to him or her.

Know more: impersonal pronoun it: what are its functions?

object pronouns X subject pronouns

The object pronouns exercise the object function in the sentence and are found immediately after the main verb. The subject pronouns, on the other hand, appear before the main verb and play the role of subject of the clause. Thus, it is easy to recognize each type of pronoun.

Note the personal pronouns in the following table:

subject pronouns

object pronouns












Plural form







Usually, those who study English wonder when to use the object it's the subject pronouns in certain situations. THE position in relation to the verb it helps to understand that, if it goes before, the subject pronoun is used. On the other hand, if it comes later, the object pronoun is used:

she offered me the map.

Is it over there me offered a map.

The main verb is offered. Before it, we have the subject pronoun she. After him, we have the object pronoun me.

in prayers with and(and is or(or), in formal situations, it is more appropriate to use the subject pronoun:

1) Luís and I went to the supermarket.

Luís and I went to the supermarket.

2) Nathan or he could bring the file.

Nathan or he could bring the file.

In both sentences, with and/or, the subject pronoun is placed.

Informal contexts, however, show that the use of pronouns is common. objects in sentences with and/or |1|:

1) Luís andme went to the supermarket.

Luís and I went to the supermarket.

2) Nathan or him could bring the file.

Nathan or he could bring the file.

Read too: What is the difference between I'm and for?

solved exercises


In the sentence “All over the globe are historical mysteries left to us by the ancient world”, the word us is

a) the personal subject pronoun.

b) the personal object pronoun.

c) the possessive adjective pronoun.

d) none of the above.


The correct answer is the letter b, since the pronoun is after the verb left, indicating to be an object.

QUESTION 2 (Fatec)


When Iran's opposition protesters used Twitter and other forms of social media last year to let the world know about their regime’s brutal post-election crackdown, activists praised Twitter as the tool of revolution and freedom. But now Venezuelan President Hugo Chávez has figured out how to twist this tool into one of repression. As recently as this past January Chávez was decrying Twitter as a weapon of terrorists, he’s since turned into an avid Twitterer himself (his account, the country ’s most popular, boasted more than half a million followers at press time), as well as devoted Facebook user and blogger.

Far from embracing the democratic spirit of the Web, though, the Venezuelan strongman is using his accounts and blog to exhort people to spy on each other. At the launch of his Twitter account, Chávez enjoined the Bolivian faithful to use it to keep an eye on state enemies, namely the wealthy. My Twitter account is open for you to denounce them, “Chávez announced on his television program. El Presidente has hired a staff of 200 to deal with tweeted “requests, denunciations, and other problems," which resulted in actions against allegedly credit-stingy banks and currency speculators. He's now considering going a step further and ruling that all Venezuelan Web sites must move from the U.S. — based servers to domestic ones — which would, of course, make them far easier to control. Big Brother would be proud.

(Newsweek – June 14, 2010. By Mac Margolis and Alex Marin)

In the second paragraph, the pronoun them in “My Twitter account is open for you to denounce them" refers to:

a) credit — stingy banks

b) a million followers

c) Bolivarian faithful

d) state enemies

e) to staff of 200


The correct answer is the letter d, as the pronoun them should replace the object of the previous sentence, which, in this case, is state enemies.


|1| EASTWOOD, J. Oxford guide to English grammar. Oxford, 2002.

By Mrs. Patricia Veronica Moreira
English teacher

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