Meaning of Aura (What it is, Concept and Definition)

Aura is the feminine noun that means breeze, puff or gentle wind. It can also be a mystical concept or from astrology, representing a energy field that involves a living being.

In the philosophical sphere, the aura represents a kind of halo that surrounds a person's body. It is not something accepted by all people, as there is no scientific evidence to prove its existence.

In figurative meaning, the aura can indicate an immaterial energy that involves a certain being. In this case, the aura can be good or bad, or it can have colors. Thus, a good person, or emotionally balanced, has an aura with strong and vivid colors. Depending on the aura, different sensations can be conveyed to surrounding people. Ex: When he entered the room, everyone was scared, because the environment was heavy, the result of his dark aura.

Also figuratively, an aura can refer to a public admiration or esteem in relation to someone.

Within the scope of medicine, the aura can designate a sensation that occurs before an epileptic seizure. Some people describe this sensation as a ball rising from the stomach to the mouth. In this case, the sensation is different depending on where in the brain the crisis originates.

At Greek mythology, Aura was a nymph who was quick as the breeze, a characteristic she used when accompanying the Greek goddess Artemis on the hunt.

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