Meaning of Absenteeism (What it is, Concept and Definition)

absenteeism is a word with Latin origins, where absens means "be out, away or away". Absenteeism is the act of abstain of some activity or function.

Absenteeism is also a farming system where an owner leaves an individual responsible for their land, who acts as an intermediary between the owner and the rural workers. This occurred, for example, in the Roman Empire (large estates), and in more recent times in Ireland, Italy, Russia, France and other countries. Absenteeism often leads to deficient exploitation and exhausting cultivation, when the owner withdraws the necessary means for the exploitation for consumption purposes. Therefore, land reform and colonization measures are usually primarily directed against absentee lands.

The term abstentionism designates not participating in decisions that are taken by vote or suffrage. As a political phenomenon, opinions on abstentionism differ widely. For some it may be a symptom of political apathy and for others it may be another way of expressing opinion.

school absenteeism

School absenteeism is the repeated or prolonged absence from school activities. The absenteeism rate corresponds to the percentage obtained from the relationship between the number of absences and the number of attendances, in a given time.

In Brazil, the main cause for school absenteeism is respiratory diseases. Teachers also have a high percentage of absenteeism, with many teachers having medical justification.

Absenteeism in companies

Absenteeism in companies designates the tendency of company members to defend themselves against certain deficiencies in labor relations by missing work (being absent due to illness, for example). Absenteeism increases costs for the company, and makes it difficult to achieve its goals, affecting its effectiveness and efficiency.

Absenteeism can be caused by illness, family reasons, personal reasons, financial and transport difficulties, lack of motivation, improper attitudes of the employer, etc.

Absenteeism reveals to those responsible for the company that the climate in it is unfavorable, that is, that certain individuals disturb the group camaraderie, that the members of the companies need a more humane treatment or that a wrong distribution of the various work processes leads to an excessive workload on some occasions, etc.

On many occasions, absenteeism has social or psychic causes, not material ones. For this reason, one of the best ways to combat absenteeism is to foster human relationships within the company.

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