Meaning of Kamikaze (What it is, Concept and Definition)

Kamikaze is a Japanese term that means wind of God or divine wind, in Portuguese.

This word became known for being the name of a typhoon that supposedly saved Japan from being invaded by an army of conquerors of the Mongol Empire.

The term was also known to designate a group of suicide pilots at the time of WWII, known at the time as Taiatari Tokubetsu Kogekitai ("Special Group of Melee Shock Attacks").

The kamikazes were a special attack unit in World War II. They were known to carry out suicide attacks by Japanese Empire military aviators against Allied ships to destroy as many warships as possible.

Some attacks happened because the planes didn't have enough fuel to reach a safe base. Despite this, many of the attacks were completely intentional, and even before taking off, the pilots were already prepared for his death.

The kamikazes were young Japanese pilots, who threw their planes at enemy ships. The kamikaze attack was a very controversial topic, as in this case the pilot or the entire crew of an attacking plane would die, eliminating the chances of rescue.

Once engaged in the deadly dive, it was impossible to survive the onslaught.

Japanese airmen had a culture that defeat or failure in their mission was a cause for disgrace, they did not hesitate to carry it out as best they could.

Furthermore, Japan did not recognize the existence of prisoners of war, that is, capture by the enemy was much more feared than death.

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