Street is a free space for public use, whether for the circulation of pedestrians or vehicles. In addition to the streets and avenues, there are public places: squares, viaducts, alleys, squares, slopes, parks, boulevards, alleys, etc.
Thus, the "place" field in a register or registration form must be filled in with the name of the street, avenue, square or alley where a property is located. If you are filling out your address in a registration and you come across the word street, you already know: your street is the name of the street, avenue, square or square where you live.
In the registration forms, other information, such as number, complement, neighborhood and city usually have their own fields.
Example (registration form):
- Address: Rua Carlos Drummond de Andrade
- Number: 100
- Complement: apt. 5
- Neighborhood: Sabiá
Now let's see real examples:
- The public address of the National Library of Rio de Janeiro is Avenida Rio Branco.
- The Museu do Ipiranga, in São Paulo, is located in Parque da Independência (its public place).
- The street of Mercado Modelo, in Salvador, is Praça Visconde de Cairu.
In the examples above, we saw four types of streetAttractions: street, avenue, park and square.
The noun logradouro comes from the verb “lograr”, which means “take advantage”. Thus, the word street can be understood as something that can be enjoyed by someone. A public space, for example, is a place that everyone can enjoy.
See too:
- Complement meaning
- What is Address Complement
- Meaning of Street
- Definition of UF
- Meaning of Postal Code
- Meaning of CEP
- Definition of Issuing Body
- Definition of Issuing Agency