History of Literature and Literary Genres

The history of literature studies the literary movements, artists and works of a given period with general characteristics of style and common themes, and their succession over time.
Literary histories are divided into major movements called eras, which are divided into movements called epochal styles or literary schools.
Each literary school represents the aesthetic-thematic trends of the literary works produced in a given period.
Literary Genres in Antiquity
In Classical Greece, literary texts were divided into three genres, which represented the literary manifestations of the time:
The epic genre: narrations of great facts, centered on the figure of a hero. According to Aristotle, the narrated word.
The dramatic genre: texts intended for scenic representation, in the form of tragedy or in the form of comedy. According to Aristotle, the word represented.
The lyrical genre: texts of an emotional character, centered on the subjectivity of the soul's feelings. According to Aristotle, the sung word.

By Marina Cabral
Specialist in Portuguese Language and Literature
* The BrasilEscola.com Site, holds its copyright on this article, any publication without prior written authorization from the team will be considered as an infringement of copyright. Remembering that the only copy that is not required written permission is for school work.

Source: Brazil School - https://brasilescola.uol.com.br/literatura/historia-da-literatura.htm

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