Crasis is the name given to unity gives preposition “a” with the article defined "a(s)", or with the initial "a" of the demonstrative pronouns "that(s)", "that(s)" and "that", or even with the initial "a" of the relative pronouns " which” and “which”.
The backrest accent is called grave accent. However, there are some rules for using the backtack and some tricks to never fail to use it correctly. That's what we'll see next.
Read too: Verbal Regency - a process that relates to the backbone
When to use the backline?
When the complement of a verb that requires the preposition "a" is a substantive female preceded by female article "a":
Let's go à shop to buy other decorations.
Watch: Let's go The + The shop = let's go à store.

When the name's complement that requires the preposition "a" is a feminine noun preceded by female article "a":
she was favorable à measure proposed by the councilor.
Watch: she was favorable The + The measure = She was favorable à measure.
When thedemonstrative pronouns"that (s)", "that (s)" and "that" exercise the function of term complement that requires the preposition "a":
we are contrary those ones who advocate radicalism.
I must obey that one what I believe.
I'm referring those weeks I couldn't come to work.
we are contrary The + those ones = We are contrary those ones.
I must obey The + that one = I must obey that one.
I'm referring The + those = I'm referring those.
Heads up! The demonstrative pronoun may be implied (hidden). In this case, the crasis occurs:
I don't mean that one, but à from the right.
Watch: I don't mean that one, but the (that) from the right = I don't mean this one, but that one from the right.
When therelative pronouns"which" and "which" perform the function of term complement that requires the preposition "a":
The piece which watched it was not worth a penny of what I paid.
The tasks which we dedicate ourselves daily are always essential.
I attended The + The piece = watched à piece.
we are dedicated The + at tasks = we are dedicated at tasks.
However, the pronoun "which" refers to the earlier term "part" in the first example, and the pronoun "which" refers to the earlier term "tasks" in the second example. In that case, the grave accent is placed over the "a" of relative pronouns “which” and “which”. Therefore: “The piece which watched” and “The tasks which we are dedicated”.
Read too: A or is there?
In adverbial phrasesfeminine with nouns in the singular or plural, such as: in the afternoon, make yourself comfortable, sometimes, in a rush, at four o'clock etc.:
You are in my house, you can stay make yourself comfortable.
It's not worth deciding in a rush What to do on holiday.
exception to the rule is the phrase "at a distance", if not determined:
We were watching everything the distance.
We were watching everything at a distance of five meters.
In the conjunctive phrases “as" and "as”:
As we matured, we started to value silence.
Before male word (including the plural), if there is a implied feminine word:
We urgently need to go to supplies.
That is: We urgently need to go to (central of) supplies.

When not to use the backline?
Before verbs:
my cousin started to do socio-educational penalty.
Before personal pronoun:
I don't have to explain to her.
See too: Treatment pronouns - a specific type of personal pronoun
Before male words:
It was a very similar feeling to love.
It was a very similar feeling the love.
Therefore, the next sentence is incorrect:
It was a very similar feeling to love.
Heads up! Crasis may occur in front of a masculine word when it is preceded by implied feminine word in the sentence:
it was a painting à Leonardo da Vinci.
It is understood:
it was a painting to (way of) Leonardo da Vinci.
In between identical words repeated, as in the expressions: man The face mouth The mouth etc.:
After drowning, it was necessary to breathe mouth to mouth.
Before the words "House” (in the sense of “home”) and “Earth” (in the opposite direction to “board”):
I will the House in the next weekend.
Upon arrival the land, the sailor went to the appointed place.
However, if these two words (“house” and “land”) are qualified, the crash will occur:
I will à House of my sister in the next weekend.
Upon arrival à Earth of the renegades, the sailor went to the appointed place.
Before the feminine word of generic character:
I didn't arrive the conclusion some.
I don't ask for any favors to people of doubtful character.
before name of City or village:
To arrive The fortress it's like coming home.
I made reference to Jericoacoara in my doctoral thesis.
Before names of famous people:
The article was related to Marie Curie.
Before the following pronouns: "nobody", "this", "all", "every", "any", "everything":
she should give answers at full we, every harmed person.
Before the indefinite article "one":
should not give credit to a person who lies.
Before numerals:
they were compared to two children spoiled.
Before adverbial expressions of mode with noun in plural form:
By leaps and bounds, managed to reach the end of the marathon.
The employees solved everything the club.
After the word “candidate”:
Luciana was a candidate the mayor in the last elections.

Optional use cases of the backline
Before pronouns possessiveyou female:
do not give value our opinion.
do not give value our opinion.
Before female first name:
We made reference Joana.
We made reference to Joan.
José de Nicola and Ulisses Infante argue that, in this case, the use of article “a” is optional. According to them, one way to verify this is to replace, in the sentence, the term that requires the preposition “a” by a term that requires another type of preposition. See an example:
we don't talk gives Joana
we don't talk in Joana.
This, according to these grammarians, demonstrates that the use of the article is optional.; consequently, the use of the backline too.
Luiz Antonio Sacconi argues that "we only emphasize the 'a' before people's names when it comes to an individual who is part of our circle of friends, individuals we treat intimately: Marisa, Bete, Rosa etc. E.g.: I mean to Marisa, and not to Beth”. However, despite this, he considers this use optional.
Before female adverbial phrases indicative of instrument, as a rule, you should not use the backquote:
Conflicts cannot be resolved the bullet.
However, many grammarians understand that the use of the grave accent, in these cases, is optional:
Conflicts cannot be resolved by bullet.
Before the following place names: Europe, Asia, Africa, France, England, Spain, Holland, Scotland and Flanders. Thus:
We can't go back anymore to scotland.
We can't go back anymore the scotland.
At prepositional phrase “up to”, before the feminine noun:
They arrived to the beach and gave up swimming.
They arrived to the beach and gave up swimming.

Tips / tricks for the correct use of the backline
O mainmallet for you to find out whether or not to use the backquote is to replace The female word that comes after the possible backlash by a male word equivalent:
I arrived the school of Marcelo.
So let's do the replacement:
I arrived to school of Marcelo.
Note that, when making this change, it is possible to notice the presence of the masculine definite article “the” before the noun “college”, which indicates the presence of the feminine definite article “a” before the noun “school”.
So we have:
I arrived The + The Marcelo's school = I arrived the school of Marcelo.
I arrived The + O Marcelo's school = I arrived to school of Marcelo.

Another trick, similar to the first one, is replace the feminine definite article “a” with the feminine indefinite article “an”. If it is possible to use this second article, it is because the presence of a female article is necessary in the sentence:
I attended à boxing match last Sunday.
Let's do the replacement:
I attended to one boxing match last Sunday.
Thus, we have:
I attended The + The boxing match = watched à boxing match.
I attended The + one boxing match = watched to one boxing match.
Another way to be sure of the occurrence or not of the backlash, in the case of verbs that indicate movement, such as “go”, “arrive”, etc., is to replace these verbs with others that indicate origin, such as “come”, “depart”, etc., or even localization, such as “being”, “staying” etc.:
we arrivedThe Fortaleza on Saturday morning.
So we replaced it with:
we start from Fortaleza on Saturday morning.
And also by:
we stay in Fortaleza on Saturday morning.
Note that, in the two substitutions, there is only the presence of preposition, but not of article. Therefore, in “We arrived in Fortaleza on Saturday morning”, there can be no crash.
See too: Comma usage – how to use this important punctuation mark
solved exercises
Question 1 (Enem)

Ziraldo's poster is part of a campaign against drug use. This approach, which differs from other campaigns, can be identified
a) the selection of the campaign's target audience, represented on the poster by the young couple.
b) by the thematic choice of the poster, whose text sets an order for users and non-users: say no to drugs.
c) the intentional absence of the serious accent, which builds the idea that it is not the drug that makes the young person's mind.
d) by the use of irony, in the opposition imposed between the seriousness of the theme and the pleasant ambience that surrounds the scene.
e) by creating a text that satires the attitude of young people, who do not have the autonomy to follow their paths.
Alternative “c”. If, on the poster, the grave accent had been used in “No to drugs!”, the meaning of the text would be: “You are the one who chooses your path” plus the complementary phrase “No to drugs!”, that is, to say “no " the drug. However, without the use of the grave accent, we have another meaning: “You are the one who chooses your path”, “not the drug!”, that is, the drug does not choose the interlocutor's path.
Question 2 - Read the first verse of the poem “A Voz dos Animals” by poet Francisca Júlia:
the turkey in the middle to the scuffle
From other birds in concert,
How do you do it wide open?
— Grunt.
The justification for using the grave accent in the highlighted excerpt is:
a) In “à bulha”, there is a fusion between the preposition “a” and the definite article “a”.
b) The word “bubbles” is a masculine noun preceded by a preposition.
c) The word “bulha” is a conjugated verb in the third person singular preceded by a preposition.
d) The word “bulha” is a feminine word of generic character preceded by a preposition.
e) The term “à la bulha” is an adverbial phrase of instrument.
Alternative “a”. In the first verse, the use of the grave accent is justified because the “a” of the prepositional phrase “in the middle of” joins the definite article “a” of “a bulh”. If we change the noun “bulh” for its masculine synonym “turmoil”, we would have “in the midst of turmoil”, which proves the necessary fusion between preposition and article.
Question 3 - Check the alternative in which the use of the back letter is optional:
a) Hygiene care must be present in our daily lives.
b) The bookstore on the corner sells used books with prices starting at five reais.
c) The movie At midnight I'll take your soul is a Brazilian horror classic.
d) On Monday morning, I went to college and locked my enrollment.
e) To those who did not believe me, I now offer my total contempt.
Alternative “d”. Before the feminine noun, the use of the crase in the prepositional phrase “up to” is optional.
by Warley Souza
Literature teacher