Condyloma acuminatum: cause, symptoms, treatment and prevention.

Condyloma acuminatum or papillomavirus, as it is also called, is a sexually transmitted disease caused by HPV (human papilloma viruses): a group of viruses that have more than different types, with 6, 11, 16, 18 and 42 being the most common for this. disease.

HPV causes self-inoculating warts, pink in color, moist and soft, similar in appearance to cauliflower. These are located in the genital region, mainly in the glans and foreskin (men) and vulva and cervix (women). They can also occur in the anus and mouth, due to the sexual modalities related to these regions. The person can also have the disease asymptomatically, but with conditions to transmit it to other people.

This occurs mainly when contact with contaminated skin occurs. Contaminated underwear, towels, saunas and toilets can also propitiate the condyloma. Pregnant mothers are at risk of transmitting it to their children at the time of normal delivery.

O diagnosis it is done by analyzing the injuries and the patient's history. O

treatment focuses on the disappearance of warts by surgical means or topical drugs. These, like herpes, can come back at another time, in the same or another location. About this, the literature says that anal recurrences, for example, occur between 4 and 84% of affected individuals.

as to whether protect and to prevent the disease, condoms can prevent it with efficacy of approximately 70%, since the virus may be in other places that are not necessarily the penis. Annually taking the cervical cancer prevention test, the pap smear, is also a good measure, since, if HPV is discovered early, the treatment it's much more effective.

Research indicates that this STD may be related to the incidence of some cancers, such as cervical cancer.

THE vaccine approved in Brazil is indicated for women between 9 and 26 years of age and who do not have the infection. Distribution, at least until further notice, will not be free and the values ​​are still being discussed.

Self-medication can have unwanted and unanticipated effects, as the wrong medicine not only does not cure, it can worsen your health.

By Mariana Araguaia
Graduated in Biology

Source: Brazil School -

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