Use of sulfuric acid by industry

O sulfuric acid it is a colorless, viscous, low volatility liquid (boiling temperature: 338°C) and extremely soluble in water. And the substance most used by industries, having wide application in the most varied processes.

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O sulfuric acid is an inorganic compound and covalent with molecular formulaH2ONLY4. When added to water, it releases the H cation+ and the sulfate anion (SO42-), according to the following chemical equation:

H2ONLY4(aq) → 2 H+(here) + OS42-(here)

This dissolution is highly exothermic, that is, it releases a large amount of heat and therefore requires some care during the process. To avoid accidents, we always put sulfuric acid in the water, and never the other way around, so that the heat released can be dissipated more safely.

See too: Inorganic chemistry

Molecular formula of sulfuric acid.
Molecular formula of sulfuric acid.


Most of the sulfuric acid produced worldwide is used for manufacture of phosphate and sulfate fertilizers. For this and other applications, sulfuric acid has become the most used substance by industries, and can be seen as an index for evaluating the industrial development of a country.

About 60% of the sulfuric acid used in the world is for the production of fertilizers.
About 60% of the sulfuric acid used in the world is for the production of fertilizers.

Sulfuric acid is also widely used in aluminum sulphate production, one of the products needed for the paper production. This process takes place through the reaction between sulfuric acid and the oxide of aluminum present in bauxite ore:

3 hours2ONLY4 + Al2O3 → Al2(ONLY4)3 + 3 H2O

Sulfuric acid is also present in lead batteries used in cars, acting as electrolyte in the production process of electricity.

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Know more: Organic and inorganic fertilizers

As mentioned, sulfuric acid has many applications. In addition to those mentioned, we will list others below:

- Refining the Petroleum;

- Fabrication of nylon;

- Surface preparation of metals in metallurgical industries;

- Acid catalyst in chemical reactions;

- Manufacture of explosives;

- Wastewater treatment;

- Unclog pipes (in some cases).

Read too: Nitrates, salts that are very present in explosives and fertilizers

where is it found

Due to its high solubility in water, sulfuric acid not found naturally in its pure form. In diluted form, it can be found in acid rain is on watercourses from mineral sources, usually from sulphide of iron.

In industry, sulfuric acid is produced based on sulfur elementary, by a method called contact process, which happens in three steps:

1st step: burning sulfur to produce sulfur dioxide.

s(s) + O2(g) → OS2(g)

2nd stage: oxidation of sulfur dioxide to sulfur trioxide.

2 SO2(g) + O2(g) → 2 OS3(g)

3rd step: the sulfur trioxide formed is hydrated, forming sulfuric acid.

ONLY3(g) + H2O(1) → H2ONLY4(1)

See too: what is acid rain?

By Victor Ferreira
Chemistry teacher

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FERREIRA, Victor Ricardo. "Use of Sulfuric Acid by Industry"; Brazil School. Available in: Accessed on June 28, 2021.

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