O IBAMA It is an agency linked to the Ministry of the Environment that operates, among other attributions, carrying out environmental licensing and inspecting actions that harm our environment. Ibama has the power of an environmental police, being able to impose fines in situations in which non-compliance with environmental laws is proven. Ibama is, therefore, a fundamental body in guaranteeing a sustainable development and in the fight for the preservation of the environment.
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What does Ibama mean?
The acronym Ibama means Brazilian Institute for the Environment and Renewable Natural Resources. This Institute's mission is to "protect the environment, ensure environmental quality and ensure the sustainability in the use of natural resources, carrying out the actions of federal competence". Its vision is "to be an environmental reference in promoting the country's development".
What is IBAMA?
![IBAMA is a federal agency that acts in the inspection of actions that may impact the environment. [1]](/f/c4799e2570b308bd2381a69e81c5b67f.jpg)
IBAMA is a federal autarchy that presents administrative and financial autonomy and is endowed with legal personality of public right. This institute is linked to the Ministry of the Environment and was created from the promulgation of the Law No. 7735, of February 22, 1989. Ibama's headquarters are located in Brasília.
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The creation of IBAMA
IBAMA was created with the aim of integrate environmental management in the country. It emerged through the merger of four bodies: the Special Secretariat for the Environment (Sema), the Brazilian Institute of Forestry Development (IBDF), the Superintendency of Fisheries (Sudepe) and the Superintendency of Rubber (Sudhevea).
Sema acted in environmental preservation, having, for example, an important role in the elaboration of the National Environmental Policy, whose objective is “the preservation, improvement and recovery the environmental quality conducive to life, aiming to ensure, in the country, conditions for socio-economic development, the interests of national security and the protection of the dignity of life human."
The other organs, however, were not very related to the preservation of the environment, being more connected to the economic development. The creation of IBAMA allowed, therefore, the care of the environment in a more integrated way.
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What is the role of Ibama?
Ibama is an organization with great importance for the environment in our country. According to Law No. 11,516, of August 28, 2007, IBAMA has the purpose of:
I - exercise the power of environmental police;
II - carry out actions of national environmental policies, referring to federal attributions, related to environmental licensing, environmental quality control, authorization for the use of natural resources and inspection, monitoring and environmental control, observing the guidelines issued by the Ministry of the Environment; and
III - carry out supplementary actions within the competence of the Union, in accordance with current environmental legislation.
![Ibama can fine those who carry out actions that harm the environment, such as deforestation. [2]](/f/a61b09bf8268682813bc197be70594f2.jpg)
It is IBAMA, for example, that supervises enterprises that work with the sale and creation of wild species, ensuring, for example, that there is no traffic and mistreatment of animals. Ibama also inspects activities that can to pollute and contaminate the environment, activities related to genetically modified organisms, fishing, and activities that affect our flora, acting, for example, against the deforestation in the Amazon region.
Ibama can apply fines, sanctions and even make apprehensions when irregularities are found. In addition, the institute also creates environmental education campaigns, informing the population about the importance of protecting our natural resources.
According to the Federal Constitution, "everyone has the right to an ecologically balanced environment, a good for common use by the people and essential to the healthy quality of life, imposing on the Public Power and on the community the duty to defend and preserve it for present and future generations”. IBAMA, as we can see, analyzing its attributions, is one of the bodies that work to ensure that our right is preserved.
Image credits
[1]Jo Galvao / Shutterstock.com
[2] Tarcisio Schnaider / Shutterstock.com
By Vanessa Sardinha dos Santos
Biology teacher