Use of the comma before the conjunction "but"

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How about learning a little about the use of comma? Punctuation mark that leaves many people in doubt about how and when to use it, the comma it can play in favor of your text or not, and the misuse of this little sign can generate, among others, the unwanted effect of ambiguity. Today we will talk about a special situation, the use of the comma before the conjunction "but". Come on?

You may have heard that before adversative conjunctions the use of a comma is mandatory, isn't it? Among these adversative conjunctions is the “but”. But, however, however, however, however,, the story is not quite like that... The use of the comma before the "but" It's not mandatory in all situations. Note now when the use of the comma will be mandatory or optional and good studies!

When there is the idea of ​​addition, the use of the comma before the "but" will be optional

Use of the comma before the adversative conjunction "but"

► The use of the comma before the “but” will be mandatory when this conjunction links sentences in the same period. In this case, the “but” will mark an adversative coordinated clause, indicating an oppositional relationship between the linked units. See the examples:

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He studied a lot, but did poorly on the math test.

It's cold outside, but I will not take my coat.

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We make an appointment at the park, but she didn't attend.

It is worth remembering that the rule also applies to other adversative conjunctions, such as "however", "however", "however" and "however":

He talked a lot, although I did not say anything.

The teacher explained the subject, still the class did not understand.

We would travel on vacation, However there was an unforeseen event.

I said I would go to the party, Yet preferred to stay at home.

Observation: The comma should only be used after the adversative conjunctions when these are preceded by a verb.

► The use of the comma before the conjunction "but" will be optional when this "but" located in the middle of the period has additive value, that is, when it is in a construction that adds ideas, such as "but also". Watch:

Not only students but also the teachers and teachers had fun on the tour.


Not only the students, but also the teachers and teachers had fun on the tour.

Not only the International but Grêmio were also eliminated in the soccer championship.


Not only the International, but Grêmio were also eliminated in the soccer championship.

► When the conjunction “but” appears at the beginning of the sentence and after it appears an interspersed sentence, it must be enclosed in commas:

But,said the father, I will not leave here until I see my son play.

By Luana Castro
Graduated in Letters

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PEREZ, Luana Castro Alves. "Use of the comma before the conjunction “but""; Brazil School. Available in: Accessed on June 27, 2021.

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