Meaning of Deforestation (What it is, Concept and Definition)

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Deforestation or deforestation is the total or partial removal of trees, forests and other vegetation in a region.

LoggingThe main reason that leads to deforestation in a given area is economic, as there are some woods of extreme commercial value, which are exploited recklessly, without a reforestation.

The use of land for livestock and agriculture is also an example that drives the practice of deforestation by small, medium and large farmers.

Another activity that promotes deforestation is mining, in addition to the construction of hydroelectric dams, responsible for the destruction of large territories with natural vegetation.

The urbanization and growth of cities causes large green areas to be deforested. The need to expand industrial centers, to build new residential condominiums and roads to keep up with the demographic increase, also helps in the deforestation process.

Consequences of deforestation

Deforestation has consequences in global terms, as in addition to being one of those responsible for the intensification of the greenhouse effect on the planet, it is also destroys the natural habitat of several species of animals, causing, consequently, the extinction of the fauna and flora of the region unduly explored.

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See also about the meaning of endangered species It's from Greenhouse effect.

As an alternative to mitigate the effects caused by deforestation, environmental protection bodies and institutions encourage the reforestation practice, that is, planting trees and other vegetation to replace those removed from a given location.

Learn more about the meaning of Reforestation.

Deforestation in Brazil

The process of deforestation in Brazilian forests began with the arrival of the first Portuguese settlers in Brazil.

The exploitation of pau-brasil, wood with a high commercial content for the Portuguese in the 16th century, was the main driver of deforestation in the country.

The Brazilian Atlantic Forest was the first great “victim” of this deforestation, and currently, only about 8% of this vegetation remains original.

Amazon deforestation

The Amazon rainforest is one of the current major concerns of environmental groups such as Greenpeace, Zero Deforestation and WWF.

The Amazon is considered the largest tropical forest on the planet, nicknamed the "lung of the world", due to the intense amount of trees that help produce oxygen into the atmosphere, through the photosynthesis.

However, with the illegal exploitation of wood (such as mahogany, for example) and the creation of activities related to mining and agriculture in the region, thousands of hectares of native forest have already been devastated by fires and deforestation. trees.

There are projects (such as "Zero Deforestation) that aim to create specific laws for severe punishment against people and companies that practice deforestation in native forest areas.

See also the meaning of Legal Amazon.
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