Which professions can NO longer be MEI?

the acronym MEI – Individual Microentrepreneur – is the legal formatting of those who work on their own. What stands out most about this form of work is your tax burden, exemption from federal taxes and a monthly tax payment, for through the Simplified Collection Document (DAS), thus guaranteeing some benefits social security.

From year to year, the Management Committee of Simples Nacional reviews the functions that can be classified as MEI, so we are going to talk a little about some of them in this article.

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Read more: Find out which professions cannot open MEI in 2022

What professions can fit as an individual microentrepreneur?

Check now some of the functions to be an individual microentrepreneur and other information related to this category:

1. Occupations that can be MEI

The individual microentrepreneur was created with the aim of formalizing activities that are not considered intellectual and that can be carried out independently. The federal government has listed some of the occupations that can become MEI, such as photographers, manicurists, confectioners, among others. Currently, more than 400 activities are authorized.

2. Professions that cannot be MEI

All professions that require a diploma cannot be considered individual microentrepreneurs. These are some of them:

  • Doctor;
  • Attorney;
  • Dentist;
  • Nutritionist;
  • Psychologist;
  • Engineer;
  • Archivist;
  • Architect;
  • Counter
  • Orthodontist;
  • Personal trainer;
  • Producer;
  • Programmer;
  • Advertiser;
  • Veterinarian.

Some functions were removed from the list of occupations that could act as an individual microentrepreneur, namely:

  • story teller;
  • language instructor;
  • art and culture instructor;
  • performing arts instructor;
  • music instructor
  • bar owner with entertainment;
  • astrologer;
  • beautician;
  • humorist;
  • instructor of management courses;
  • instructor of preparatory courses;
  • independent singer or musician;
  • computing instructor;
  • DJ or VJ;
  • tutor.

3. Obligations of the individual microentrepreneur

As previously mentioned, one of the main characteristics of the MEI is related to the payment of its taxes, which is made monthly in a single way, through the DAS.

In addition, to be an individual micro-entrepreneur, it is not allowed to have revenues greater than 81 thousand reais per year, as well as the MEI must not have any partner relationship, either in its own or in another company. Another important point is that the activity you will carry out with the CNPJ must be included in the Table of Permitted Activities in the MEI.

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