Abbreviations in citations according to ABNT standards

When it comes to CBT, one of the subjects that most demands attention from students is, certainly, citations.

Among the ABNT standards for academic works, the 10520/2002 standard is one of the most extensive. It is possible to find the different types of quotes that can be used in the work, their formatting and also some abbreviations that, in addition to explaining the nature of the citation, help to maintain the legibility of the text.

For this reason, we have gathered here the most used abbreviations in citations in academic papers, as well as an explanation of how to use them:


The expression apud means “quoted by” and is also called citation through. It is used when the citation consists of a mention of another source. In the example below, the author of the work quoted Ribas, whose account was actually written by Lima.


  • According to Ribas (apud LIMA, 1987, p. 215), “the Public Administration should not be deprived of the attribution of preventing by punishment those acts that, […] oppose stumbling blocks to the regular development of administrative action[...]”.


It means "here and there". It is used when the information cited comes from different pages of the same document. Considering that the expression avoids mentioning too many numbers, its use helps to maintain the readability of the text.


  • RIBEIRO, 1997, passim.

et al.

It means "and others". It is used when the cited source has many authors and mentioning all of them would impair the readability of the text.


  • DIDIER et al., 2017.

et seq. or sequence

The expressions mean, respectively "which follows" and "next". They are used when you do not want to mention all the pages of the inserted citation. It has an effect similar to the expression passim, contributing to the readability of the text.


  • According to Morim (2000, p. 56 et seq.), it is in the language that the speech…

Location cit.

from latin loco citato, which means “in the mentioned place”. The expression is used to indicate that the quote is taken from a page that has already been mentioned above. In the example below, the second footnote refers to a quote different from the first one, but located on the same page.


  • ¹TOMASELLI.1992, p. 33-46.
  • ²TOMASELLI, loc. cit.

Ditto or id.

It means “from the same author”. When more than one work by the same author is cited, the expression ditto or id. avoids unnecessary repetition of the name of the same.


  • LENZA. 2015, p. 302
  • ²Id. 2017, p. 48

Ibid. or Ibid.

It means “in the same work”. As with the previous expression, it avoids the unnecessary repetition of the title of the work when it is mentioned more than once.


  • ¹OAK, Matheus. Administrative Law Manual, p.37
  • ²OAK, Matheus. Ibid., p.205

Opus cittum or op. cit.

It means “work cited”. The expression also replaces the name of the work, but it is used in cases where a second work was cited after the first (which you want to mention again).


  • ¹ OAK, Matheus. Administrative Law Manual, p.37
  • ² LENZA. 2015, p. 81
  • ³ OAK, Matheus. op.cit., p.58


It means “check out”. It is used to make reading suggestions on the subject covered in the work. As such, the abbreviation does not necessarily imply a citation.


  • ² See CALDEIRA, 1992.

It is worth mentioning that ABNT standard 10520/2002 is clear in stating that the expressions ditto or id., ibid. or ibid., opus citatum or op.cit and cf. they can only be used on the same page as the passage to which they refer.

See too:

  • Examples of Formatting by ABNT Rules and Norms for academic works
  • ABNT standards for academic work
  • NBR
  • Rules for formatting margins (ABNT)

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