Circumcision is surgical operation that removes the foreskin, a skin that covers the glans of the penis, It is a term from Latin, which means cut around. Circumcision surgery has been performed for over 5,000 years, mostly for religious reasons, such as Muslims and Jews.
Male circumcision has been the most practiced type since the 19th century, and in some countries, such as the United States, it is considered a very common operation, as it is said that the removal of the skin favors masturbation and the practice of acts sexual. Many years ago, circumcision was more common, but today, aside from religious cases, regular practice of hygiene habits are replacing the benefits of surgery.
One possible reason for starting circumcision surgery is that, in many cultures, the onset of puberty is a special moment, and the surgery would be like a rite of passage, would demonstrate the young man's entry into life adult.
female circumcision
There is also circumcision, also called female genital mutilation (FGM), which is practiced in several countries, mainly in Africa and Asia. Female circumcision is an operation that amputates a woman's clitoris so that she does not enjoy sexual intercourse. There are no religious grounds for this operation, it is just a way of controlling women and making them dependent on men.
Female circumcision is a practice that causes irreparable damage both physically and psychologically, and in many cases even causes the death of many girls. Waris Dirie, author of the book "Desert Flower" and UN ambassador against female circumcision, says the pain is indescribable. The model was circumcised when she was 5 years old. In certain cultures, many people believe that if this mutilation does not occur, a woman will not be able to find a husband, as a circumcised woman is a sign of purity. Women who do not have this condition are often excluded from the rest of society.
Circumcision in the Bible
In the Bible, more specifically in the Old Testament, circumcision was a mark of God's people, something that was a commandment of God. In ancient times, in Israel, circumcision was always done on the eighth day. In the New Testament, with the coming of Jesus and today, the imprint of God's people is found in the heart, because those who accept Jesus and live according to his commandments have a new heart and a life transformed. The apostle Paul explains this in Romans chapter 2, verse 29, where he introduces the concept of "heart circumcision".
Circumcision and Phimosis
Phimosis is the inability to completely pull back the skin of the foreskin that lines the glans. Usually the foreskin comes off naturally before the age of 3 years. Phimosis itself is when this does not happen and there is a kind of ring squeezing this end, which prevents the foreskin from being retracted. Phimosis does not impede the development of the penis or decrease the flow of urine. However, for hygienic reasons and because it is a problem that can take away the pleasure in the sexual act, circumcision is the recommended surgery to solve the problem of phimosis.