There are countless expressions with which we share in our daily lives that, as they are conceived as routine, we do not even notice if they are in accordance with the formal standard of language or not. If we were to stick only to aspects related to orality, such an occurrence would not portray any negative aspect, but the truth is that we are subjected to a conventional system that, literally saying, is common to all of us - users of the tongue. Therefore, we have to take some precautions when it comes to the act of writing, in order to improve constantly our competence with regard to grammatical precepts, consistent with the modality in reference.
In order to illustrate this situation, let us rely on the expressions under study, since a doubt certainly tends to surface. After all, are we about to go on vacation or on vacation?
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If what matters most to you is rest, rest... But do this with the certainty of one detail:
In this case, both expressions are considered to be correct: on vacation or on vacation.
However, there is one aspect that we must pay attention to:
If the word “vacation” is accompanied by an adjective, it is recommended that we use the preposition “in”. Thus, in cases evidenced by:
Some civil servants entered on vacation collectives.
We entered today on a well deserved vacation.
Perform such procedure, and... good rest!!!
By Vânia Duarte
Graduated in Letters
Brazil School Team
Grammar - Brazil School
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DUARTE, Vânia Maria do Nascimento. "A study on the expressions “Going on vacation” and “Going on vacation”"; Brazil School. Available in: Accessed on June 28, 2021.