Safe sex with polyurethane

Condoms, one of the safest contraceptive methods that offer protection against all sexually transmitted diseases, are made of polymers. Every day, science evolves and innovates products and the most popular contraceptive method could not be left out.
Polyurethane is the polymer developed to make condoms more resistant than latex condoms. What's more, the material is super light, which allows them to be thinner and more comfortable.
And why does this polymer manage to be so light? To understand it is necessary to know how chemists prepare this material. The polymer is a product of the reaction of molecules that have an alcohol group with others that have isocyanate groups. As the molecule mixes, a strong chemical bond forms, and the addition of volatile liquid causes gas bubbles to form in the plastic. That is why the constitution of polyurethane is 95% gas, which makes it highly light.
Just to demonstrate how versatile polyurethane is, find out about its other applications: in cars, it's used such as seat padding, soundproofing under carpets, insulating panels, etc. Despite being used in many of the car's accessories, the material ensures comfort and lightness to the vehicle, which results in fuel economy.

Do not stop now... There's more after the advertising ;)

By Líria Alves
Graduated in Chemistry

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SOUZA, Líria Alves de. "Safe sex with polyurethane"; Brazil School. Available in: Accessed on June 28, 2021.

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